زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون top notch به صورت دیجی فرم



استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 90 دقیقه میباشد

تایید و ادامه
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


write the appropriate preposition for each word




Night............. (2 نمره)


choose the correct form of the word

-My friend invited her best friend to a …………. Lunch (1 نمره)


-Our professor speaks ………. To the noisy students. (1 نمره)


choose direct and indirect object in sentences.

-he gives his brother a pat on the back. -


 I buy my mother some flowers. (2 نمره)


choose the correct form

  How do people show ……….. (disapproval- disapprove)

-how do you feel when someone …………..you.( criticize- criticism)

 he had advantageous …………. in the college.(speech- speak)

  (3 نمره)


write the correct definition of so/ while/ condition and 

...........A little while later I will join to the party

-.......So , what is your opinion about our holiday

...................It is hard to learn new language

.............is her life in good condition (4 نمره)


.write the meaning of vocabulari






Respect............................... (6 نمره)


find the statement that is closer to meaning

-this cellphone is driving me crazy. (1 نمره)


-this furniture is antique (1 نمره)


-its an absolute soda (1 نمره)


- A................product is easy to move from one place to another. (1 نمره)


Most North Americans............. their children to move out of the house at 18. (1 نمره)


Reading Read the text and answer to the following questions.

Every year I tell myself that I'm not going to wait until the last minute to buy Christmas presents, and yet every year, that's exactly what I do. Well, this year is the year that I finally listened to myself! Last week I bought Christmas presents for everyone in my family. I took advantage of the summer sales to buy winter coats for my two children. They're growing so fast that last winter's coats will probably be too small for them this winter. Plus, by buying winter clothes in summer I saved a bundle! I also bought them some toys, though I'll be very lucky if they don't find them before Christmas! My husband is going to get some shoes, which I also bought on sale, and some very nice sunglasses. And no, he's not getting a tie this Christmas, though he likes anything I give him. My sister is the hardest person to shop for. She likes really expensive designer clothes. What she doesn't spend on food and rent she spends on ridiculously expensive dress jackets and shoes. Normally I wouldn't encourage her expensive habits, but this year I was able to find a nice dress that I know she'll love. And the best part is that, of course, it was on sale, which is good because that is the only way I would buy her the kind of clothes that she likes to wear. So this year, I think, and hope, that everyone will be happy with their.

A)Write true or false

1- The writer normally buys expensive clothes for her sister.............

2- The writer's husband probably got a tie last Christmas............

B)Choose the correct option.

1- The writers

.........probably buy all of her clothes on sale.

...........doesn't normally buy expensive clothes for her sister.

............will probably wait until the last minute next year to buy Christmas presents.

.............probably hates shopping.


2- The writer bought coats because

............they were on sale

..............the coats the children wore last year are too big.

..............the children were cold.

..............that is what the children wanted


  (4 نمره)


Choose one of the topics and write 2 pharaghraghs about it. 

1- Write about different ways of greeting in different dountries

2- Write about how can disability help you to have a professional (2 نمره)
