زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون ************* زبان انگلیسی پایه یازدهم شهریورماه ************ به صورت دیجی فرم

سلام لطفا با دقت سوالات را بخوانید و پاسخ دهید
به زمان تعیین شده توجه کنید
و به هیچ وجه از منوی امتحان خارج نشوید!


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 120 دقیقه میباشد

مرحله بعد
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


نام پدر خود را وارد نمایید *


برای هر یک از کلمات زیر یک متضاد یا یک مترادف مناسب بنویسید


6. simple =

7. tiny =

8. correct ≠

9. important ≠

(2 نمره)


شکل صحیح کلمات داخل پرانتز را در جای خالی قرار دهید


1. Today, ……………….. to technology is a big problem. ( addict )

2. Forests and plains are the ………………… homes of animals. ( nature )

3. Saffarzadeh is a great woman. She is the ……………….. of Holy Quran. ( translate ) (1.5 نمره)


با استفاده از دانش گرامری خود به سوالات زیر جواب کامل دهید

1. How much milk do you drink each day ?

2. Have you ever traveled to Tehran ? (2 نمره)


متن زیر را بخوانید سپس به سواالت داده شده جواب دهید


Cultures and Lifestyles

Culture is a system of shared beliefs that are common in a society. Often, we think of the food, music, clothing, and holidays that are common in a society as its culture, but these are only some of the elements. Other elements include customs, values, behaviors, and artifacts. Culture is, therefore, a combination of thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs.

Learning to respect other cultures is important for having new experiences and learning about the world. One of the first steps to learn about other cultures is to simply accept that there are many different cultures exist other than our own culture. One of the most important ways to learn to become respectful of other cultures is to spend some time reflecting on our own. Then it is important to understand something about other cultures.

For those who want to learn about other cultures, but do not know where to start, a great place to start is reading about the cultures that interest them. In today’s world if we all are able to know about other cultures, and respect them, life would be easier for most of us.


با توجه به متن به سواالت زیر جواب کامل دهید


1. Are there different cultures in the world?

2. What are the elements of culture?

3. How can we start learning about other cultures?


شماره پاراگراف هایی را بنویسید که موضوعات زیر درآنها بیان شده است


1. The definition and the elements of the culture in a society. Paragraph …………

2. The ways to respect other cultures of the world. Paragraph………………..


با توجه به متن، درستی یا نادرستی عبارات زیر را مشخص کنید


1. Culture is only a combination of food, clothing and holidays. (T – F)

2. Different people of the world may have different cultures and lifestyles. (T – F)

3. Respecting other cultures often makes our lives easier. (T – F) (5.5 نمره)


با توجه به مفهوم هر عبارت ، جواب درست را انتخاب کنید


Making and selling handicrafts are good ways to help a country’s economy and introduce its culture to other nations. Many people of the world produce handicrafts and sell (them) to tourists. 


1. (Them) in this paragraph refers to …………

a) people

b) handicrafts

c) tourists

d) nations


2.Which one is a good habit ?

a. Eat balanced proportion of food.

b. Drink little water a day.

c. Eat dinner at 10:30.

d. Sleep for a long time. (1.5 نمره)


متن زیر را با استفاده از کلمات داده شده کامل کنید

( Objects - get along - attack - making )

     The power of art decreases the risk of many illnesses such as heart …………..(1) If people practice art, they will ……………….(2) with their stress and enjoy the pleasure of …………..….(3) artwork. You can try this by drawing simple things or making simple ………………. .(4) You will see its power! (1 نمره)


در جملات زیر فاعل – فعل – مفعول - اسم مصدر و قیدها را پیدا کنید

 1-In the morning, I always walk to school slowly.

2- My uncle is thinking of painting his car.

(2 نمره)


با کلمات در هم ریخته جمله بسازید


1. enjoys / for the future / she / planning


2. dangerous / it isn't / in the pool / to swim / (2 نمره)


جملات زیر را با عبارات مصدری داده شده کامل کنید

1. The teacher told Amir  (..........)

2. His little brother asked   (..........)

3. His parents advised  (..........)

4. His grandmother wants  (..........)


a) Not to eat fast food

b) to go to the market with her

c) to write an essay

d) to turn on the computer (2 نمره)


جملات زیر را با نوشتن کلمه مناسب کامل کنید


1. Each person’s fingerprint is ………………...

2. Everybody knows that smoking is …………………… to health. (1 نمره)


کلمات را به تعاریف مناسب وصل کنید


1. balanced:        

2. custom:           

3. recent: 



a) traditional or usual things that people do in an area

b) to value somebody or something

c) happening or starting a short time ago
d) with all parts existing in the correct amounts (1.5 نمره)


جواب درست را انتخاب کنید


1. We had …………… visitors of the museum yesterday.

a) few

b) little

c) any

d) much


2. The students need to find …………… information about blood.

a) many

b) a few

c) thousand

d) lots of


3. Ali ate a …………… of melon last night.

a) piece

b) bottle

c) slice

d) loaf


4. There is always ………heavy traffic at this time of day.

a) an

b) one

c) a

d) _


5. They were ……………….. at the news. 

a) surprise 

b) to surprise 

c) surprised 

d) surprising


6. Sara …..…………. us very well. She’s an excellent cook.

a) looked after

b) looked for

c) looked up

d) looked at


7. She hasn’t finished reading the book …………

a) since

b) for

c) ever

d) yet


8. I ……………………… to school since ten years ago.

a) went

b) has gone

c) have gone

d) going
(2 نمره)


جملات شرطی زیر را با نوشتن عبارت مناسب کامل کنید

1. If I learn English well, ……………………………………………………………………………..

2. I won’t pass my exam if …………………………………………………………………………….

(2 نمره)


کلمات موجود در ستون (الف) را به کلمات ستون (ب) وصل کنید و ترکیبات مناسب بسازید


       الف         |         B  


1 .social       |      a) general health


2.decrease   |       b) life


3. Check      |       c) longer


4. live          |       d) the risk of death

(2 نمره)


با توجه به هر تصویر، یک جمله مناسب بنویسید

1. They …………………………………………………………………..

2. She…………………..…………………………………

(2 نمره)
دریافت سوال 11
