زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون خسروی_غیرانتفاعی عادل پور_آزمون لغات درس اول زبان دهم به صورت دیجی فرم

Good Luck


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 40 دقیقه میباشد

تایید و ادامه
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


I brought the ................. bird into the room and took care of it.


There are a few Iranian cheetahs. A few means..........


When only a few numbers of an animal live, it means that..............


He…………………..every minute of his job as a farmer, and worked so hard until he had that terrible accident.


Livingthings need oxygen to stay ........................ .


با دانش خود کامل کنید.

"The time after now" is called


A: "Will you come to my home tonight?"

B: "No; I have an exam tomorrow. I .................... hard tonight.


She had a terrible accident. She hurt both of her …………….unfortunately.


My brother is 42……………..old, and lives with his…………………in…………………….. .


با توجه به مفهوم متن داده شده مشخص کنید جمله ی درون پرانتز درست است یا نادرست

You can visit a national wildlife museum or park. These places give good information about how to protect endangered animals and their homes.

(Visiting a national museum of wildlife can help you learn how to take care of endangered animals.)


مشخص کنید ضمیر مشخص شده در متن به کدام گزینه اشاره دارد

Today, Iran's mountains and plains are the natural home of many animals. One of "them" is the black bear which lives in a few parts of the country.

"Them" refers to.........


An (---13---) animal is one that is at risk of becoming extinct or at risk of no longer being in existence.
Dinosaurs are the largest (---14---) of animals to have ever become extinct. The biggest thing we can do
to help endangered animals is to (---15---) our world. Maybe tigers and leopards (---16---) where you do,
but many animals do. They need protection, just like other animals do. There are many ways that we can
(---17---) animals by taking care of our environment.
دریافت سوال 12
