زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون پایانی پایه دهم دبیرستان عصمت خرداد 1400 به صورت دیجی فرم


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 40 دقیقه میباشد

تایید و ادامه
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


مرتب کنید

His - himself - Ali - usually - cuts - hair
(1 نمره)


کلمه ناهماهنگ را در هر ردیف مشخص کرده و جواب را در کادر بنویسید

1. Library- laboratory- office- microscope
2. Suitable- safe- dangerous- comfortable

(0.5 نمره)


گزینه درست را انتخاب کنید
My history class starts ......... 9 a.m .......... monday morning.
(0.5 نمره)


Ali can draw a picture .............. because he is good at it. (0.5 نمره)


At 6:30 when you phoned , I ......... the dirty dishes. (0.5 نمره)


متن زیر را بخوانید و جواب صحیح هر پرانتز را در کادر مشخص شده بنویسید
The 1( Persian - persian) Gulf is a very important sea between Iran and some 2(Arab - arab) countries.Its wildlife is amazing.3( You - you ) can see some beautiful sea animals such as 4 ( Dolphins - dolphins ) there.
(1 نمره)


با توجه به صفات داله شده، در جاهای خالی قید حالت مناسب بنویسید(یک صفت اضافه است)
Patient - hard - careless

1.all the students tried ............ to answer the questions.
2. The tourists were waiting ............. for the bus.

(1 نمره)


مترادف کلمات را از بین جملات پیدا کنید (یک جمله اضافی است)
1. Believe .......
2. Destination ........... 
a) the place where some one is going to
b) different things of the same kind
c) to be sure that some thing is true or real

(0.5 نمره)


با استفاده از کلمات داده شده جاهای خالی را کامل کرده و پاسخها را در کادر مشخص شده بنویسید ( یک کلمه اضافی است)

Prices/ medicine/ attractions/ belief/ solve
1.travelers go to other countries to visit some tourist................
2.can you buy the .............. for me? I feel sick.
3.I won't buy the T-shirt from this store. The ........... are really high
4. A smart student must ............. all difficult problems.

(2 نمره)


متن زیر را با کلمات داده شده کامل کنید و جواب را در کادر مشخص شده بنویسید

Microbes are really 1............... . They are every where! They live all around you , on you and inside you. Microbes are very small , so you can't see them.but don't worry.some microbes make you sick but most others keep you 2 .............. and even help you fight 3 ............ . there are so many different types of microbes . We still don't really know how many there are , but we know that microbes do lots of different 4 .............. . Bacteria and virusesare two important types of microbes.

1.interested/ wonderful/different/hard
2. Clear/ dangerous/ expensive / healthy
3. Disease / details / facts / drops /
4. Plains / parts / things / boxes

(2 نمره)


متن زیر را بخوانید و به سوالات پاسخ دهید
Did you know that our sun is just one star among many in the universe? The fact that the sun is the closest star to earth , makes it look much larger and brighter than other stars. It is at the center of our solar system. The sun , all the planets and their moons , and all the bodies that travel around it make up the solar system. The solar system it self is only a small parts of a very big system of stars and other objects called the milky way galaxy. The solar system orbits the center of the galaxy about once every 225 million years. The milky way galaxy is just one of billions of galaxies that make up the universe.
1. The sun is closer than other stars tovEarth.
True         false

2. The milky way galaxy is a part of the solar system.
True           false

3. How is the sun different than other stars?

(2 نمره)


You .......... have your passport when you travel to a foreign country. (0.5 نمره)
