زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون دهم صیادی نوبت دوم به صورت دیجی فرم

دوستان عزیز سوالات تشریحی گزینه سوال را قبل از جواب تایپ کنید 
برای مثال :a=.....
موفق باشید


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 60 دقیقه میباشد

تایید و ادامه
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


لغات را کامل کنید.

a) Hope –ully , the number of cheetahs is going to incre_se in the fu t-re

b) There are different w_ld animals like w_lf in a j_ngle

c) Earth is a won_erful pl_net in the Milky Way galaxy  (2 نمره)


We know planets go around the sun in different …………… . (1 نمره)


- Dinosaurs ………. millions of years ago (1 نمره)


جمله های زیر را با شکل درست کلمات داخل پرانتز کامل کنید

 a. This movie is ……………… (interesting) than its book.

b. Asia is the …….……… (big) continent of the world. (1 نمره)


There are some microbes that make you …… ,but most others keep you healthy (1 نمره)


گزینه هایی را که به درستی متن را کامل می کنند انتخاب کنید.

a. Look at the sky! It (is going to/will) rain.

b. I think we (are going to/will) visit Rasht Next summer. We’re not sure yet.

c. Jupiter is (largest/larger) than Earth.

d. I think Shiraz is (as beautiful as/more beautiful than) Isfahan. I love both of them.

  (2 نمره)


Mr. Ahmadi………………….money to the charity to help poor people. (1 نمره)


با استفاده از صفت مناسب، کلمات زیر را با هم مقایسه کنید.

a. Ahwaz/Rasht

b. Cheetah/Lion (1 نمره)


We didn’t watch the program because it was …………… (1 نمره)


(شکل درست کلمات داخل پرانتز را بنویسید (مفرد یا جمع

a. I saw two …………. (man) in the street last night They were trying to steal a ………. (car). Ten ………………. (minute) later, the police caught them.

b. The ……………. (bus) of our city are very old.

c. Maryam’s ……………. (sister) is taller than her ………….. (husband). (1 نمره)


جمله های نامرتب زیر را مرتب کنید.

a. the /last week/ on /Nasim/ bus/ book/ read/a

b. lake /is /This /deepest /the /the /one /world /in (1 نمره)


2-کلمه ناهماهنگ را پیدا کنید

a. Saturn b. Earth c. Jupiter d. orbit (1 نمره)


When you run fast, your heart ……….. blood faster, too (1 نمره)


Please eat …………. food. Fast food isn't good for your health (1 نمره)


متن های زیر را خوانده و به سوال ها پاسخ دهید.

Microbes are really wonderful. They are everywhere! They live all around you, on you and inside you! Microbes are very small, so you can’t see them. But don’t worry. Some microbes make you sick but most others keep you healthy and even help you to fight disease. There are so many different types of microbes. We still don’t really know how many there are, but we know that microbes do lots of different things. Bacteria and viruses are two important types of microbes.


a. All microbes are bad for your body. True/False

b. Virus is a kind of microbe. True/False

c. Where can we find microbes? (2 نمره)


جاهای خالی را با کلمات مناسب پر کنید.(یک کلمه اضافی است.)

(Destroy / healthy / exercise / defend / gift)

a. Humans……………the natural homes of the animals in the forest, lakes, and plains

b. This wonderful liquid is a great……………….from Allah

c. We can thank Allah by keeping our body

d. White blood cells …………….body against diseases (1 نمره)


.....The place that we can see stars and planets and study them is a/an  (1 نمره)
