زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون American English File به صورت دیجی فرم

Final Exam


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 90 دقیقه میباشد

تایید و ادامه


Check  A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example:    What time _____ your house today?

    A  you left   B  did you leave      C  were you leaving  

1   I _____ play a lot of basketball when I lived in the United States.

     A  used to      B  usually      C  use to  c

2   The referee _____ when the player kicked the goalie.

     A  wasn’t looking      B  hadn’t look      C  used to look  

3   When I met Ishan he _____ already lost touch with Susannah.

     A  has      B  was     C  had  

4   I _____ go to the gym on Saturdays, but this weekend I’m going away.

     A  use to      B  usually     C  used to  

5   What _____ you doing when I phoned you this morning?

     A  was      B  were       C are 6  A  What kind of food is this?    B  I’m not sure. It _____ be Thai or Korean, I think.

     A  must      B  can’t     C  mustn’t  

7   The movie _____ in New York.

     A  is setting      B  set      C  is set  

8   She _____ be out. The house is dark and her car’s not there.

     A  might      B  must      C  can  

9  Parts of the Harry Potter movies _____ at Oxford University.

     A  filmed      B  were filmed      C  were filming  

10  I’m sorry, but all the tickets have _____ sold.

          A  been      B  being      C  be  



  (10 نمره)



 Check  the correct word(s) for the definitions—A, B, or C. 

       1 Formula 1 cars drive around this 

        A course  B court  C track  

        2 have the same number of points as the other team at the end of the game 

        A win  B tie  C beat  

        3 athletes run on this

        A track  B slope  C court 

        4 get points in a game

         A score  B train  C play  

         5 the people who support a particular team

          A spectators  B team  C fans  

          6   a movie that continues the story of an earlier film

     A  scene      B  sequel      C  plot  

 7  all the actors in a movie

     A  cast      B  audience      C  extra  

8   a person who plays a small, unimportant part

     A  star      B  audience      C  extra  

9  the story of a movie or book

     A  plot      B  script      C  scene  10   translation, on the screen, of the words of the movie

         A  review  c    B  script  c    C  subtitles  c



  (10 نمره)



Which word has a different sound? Check  A, B, or C.

1 A sport  B score  C work out 

2 A pleasure  B used to  C usually 

3 A hurt  B draw  C caught 

4 A shirt  B serve  C warm up 

5 A practice  B various  C lose  (5 نمره)



1  Read the article and check  A, B, or C.



Fang Su

 I used to be very competitive when I was younger. I hated losing! Now that I’m older, I’m getting used to slowing down. My husband and children were very excited about a color run in Shenzhen, our city. The race sounded a silly to me, but we entered as a family. We usually jog around the park together on a Sunday morning, so a 5K was a reasonable challenge for us. I have to admit, it was a lot of fun. The aim of the race is to get as messy as possible. At the start, everyone was wearing white clothes. And after every kilometer, machines sprayed us with different colored paint powder. There was no winner, and no one was told their time at the finish line. After the race, I really wanted a shower! But my kids didn’t want to leave because there was a party. So we listened to music and all got covered in even more paint! 


 I don’t play anymore, but when I was in high school, I was on a soccer team. Most weeks we lost, but I remember how much fun it was to compete with all my friends. Well, I went to college and then moved to Shenzhen. Of course, we all lost touch. Then a few months ago, I started working out at a gym near my office. One day, I recognized Dishi from my old soccer team! We couldn’t believe it! We started a Facebook group to find the old team and, last week, five of us completed a color run. I’ve just posted a photo of us covered in paint. Maybe we’ll find the rest of the team now. 


Last year, I entered a 10K race. I wanted to do more exercise because I’d gained a little weight. I lost five pounds, which was great. But I trained too hard and got injured so I couldn’t take part in the 10K. It took me two months to recover and that’s when I heard about the color run. It was a 5K race, so it was a simpler challenge, and the only goal was to have fun rather than getting a fast time. I entered with Chan from my work. There are only three of us in the office, so I already knew we got along well. We normally jog once or twice a week after work and then we go to a café for coffee and to talk. We can’t talk while we jog … it’s too tiring!

1   Fang Su jogs with her husband and children once a week.

     A  True     B  False     C  Doesn’t say  

2   The winner of the color run gets a special white T-shirt.

     A  True      B  False      C  Doesn’t say  

3   Fang Su and her family stayed for the party after the race.

     A  True      B  False      C  Doesn’t say  

4   Shuo used to live in Shenzhen when he was in high school.

     A  True      B  False      C  Doesn’t say  

5   Shuo and Dishi trained for the color run at their gym.

     A  True      B  False      C  Doesn’t say  


6   Shuo and Dishi didn’t manage to find all the members of their old team.

     A  True     B  False      C  Doesn’t say  

7   Hao decided to enter the color run after he recovered from an injury.

     A  True      B  False      C  Doesn’t say  

8   Hao and Chan are training partners, not colleagues.

     A  True      B  False       C Doesn’t say  

9   Hao and Chan normally talk to each other after their training sessions.

     A  True      B  False      C  Doesn’t say  

10   Hao plans to enter his first 10K race next year.

     A  True      B  False      C  Doesn’t say   (10 نمره)


 Write F for Fang Su, S for Shuo, or H for Hao.

1   I used to love winning.  _____

2   I share an office with my training partner.  _____

3   I didn’t use to win many soccer games.  _____

4   I didn’t expect to enjoy the color run.  _____

         5   I completed the color run with my old friends _____ (5 نمره)
