آزمون کنکوری زبان انگلیسی از واژگان درس اول پایه دوازدهم به صورت دیجی فرم

تعداد سوالهای چهار گزینه ای: 20
مدت زمان‌آزمون: 30 دقیقه
هر مرحله یک سوال 
ورود به برنامه های دیگر در حین آزمون تقلب محسوب می شود 
دبیر و طراح سوال: دادخواه


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 30 دقیقه میباشد

پس از پاسخ به هر سوال، امکان بازگشت و ویرایش پاسخ وجود ندارد

نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *

Grandpa is ---------------- of hearing, so be prepared to speak loudly to repeat yourself a lot.  (1 نمره)

"Do you remember much about the accident?" "No, it all happened so ---------------."  (1 نمره)

We want to show our ------------- to all the staff who try to provide our local National Health Services. (1 نمره)

Even an expert would find it hard to --------------- between the original painting and the copy.  (1 نمره)

Nurses who ------------- the elderly in Tehran are to explain their positive role at a special meeting next month. (1 نمره)

A healthy diet will not only ----------- blood pressure but possibly protect against heart attacks.  (1 نمره)

She was angry because her boss increased her ---------------- in her job, but he didn't increase her payment. (1 نمره)

She welcomed her grandparents warmly with a -------------- and burst into tears.  (1 نمره)

Their first attempt to climb Everest ended in -----------------.  (1 نمره)

We have ------------------ received messages from our customers. They still send us lots of emails.  (1 نمره)

The clinic provides free ---------------- for elderly who are needy and poor.  (1 نمره)

The happiest people are not those who own all the best things, but those who can ------------- the beauty of life.  (1 نمره)

He --------------- his little brother for breaking his toy airplane, but warned him to be more careful.  (1 نمره)

A generous businessman ------------- three million dollars to the charity.  (1 نمره)

We will ------------------ no pains to find out the answer to the problem. (1 نمره)

She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the ----------------- of her muscles. (1 نمره)

This -------------------- of students seem to care about environment more than what their parents did.  (1 نمره)

Because of so much noise rising from the engine, we had to ----------- to hear each other clearly. (1 نمره)

After that terrible earthquake in Kermanshah, many people were ready to ------------- blood to the patients. (1 نمره)

The manager --------------- to their angry question by calmly walking out of the room.  (1 نمره)

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