زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون پایان ترم خواندن و درک مطلب 1 به صورت دیجی فرم

دانشجویان گرامی لطفا نام و نام خانوادگی، شماره دانشجویی و کد ملی را وارد نمایید. در غیر این صورت نمره امتحان صفر منظور می گردد.


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 90 دقیقه میباشد

تایید و ادامه
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


کد ملی خود را وارد نمایید *


شماره دانشجویی خود را وارد نمایید *


In order for rides to operate safely, both riders and operators have to adhere to rules and restrictions. In the Ride of Steel accident, the theme park was initially accused of employing ride operators that were under the legal adult age of eighteen. New York state law requires ride operators to be at least eighteen years old. In later reports, the park was able to clarify that the operators of the ride were over eighteen. Q: Not only the riders but also the ride operators must be over eighteen years of age. (1 نمره)


Relations between the two countries are in a ……………………. state. (1 نمره)


Identify the pronoun reference: The young programmer is also at home with hardware, thanks partly to a highly developed sense of touch. Mitzi Nowakowski, an office manager at InteliData, recalls how he easily disconnected and reconnected their computer systems during a move last year. Q: he refers to…… (1 نمره)


Her method is based on the …………………….that all children want to learn. (1 نمره)


More and more cars are moving in our highways. Councilors are looking at ways to reduce traffic ……………………. in the town center. (1 نمره)


If vaccine-resistant SARS-CoV-2 strains ……………………., vaccines might need to be updated. (1 نمره)


Does the following sentence state a fact or an opinion? "People ought to be playing puzzles and doing math to stop their brains from aging." (1 نمره)


Paraphrase the following sentence(s). (write the meaning in English in your own words)

For this easygoing Australian, Americans seemed like perpetual-motion machines. Americans are very time-oriented.  (1 نمره)


. Identify the pronoun reference: Mr. Gokyigit's gift, as Mr. Braun calls it, is an unusual ability to conceptualize the innards of a machine.Q: it refers to ……….. (1 نمره)


Paraphrase the following sentence(s). (write the meaning in English in your own words)

The best speakers are those who make their words sound spontaneous even if memorized.  (1 نمره)


The test ……………………. the true cause of death. (1 نمره)


make sure your comments during the interview are short and …………………….. (1 نمره)


When summer hits, it’s amusement park season. Crowds rush the open doors of theme parks across the world. In Istanbul, it’s Luna Park. Paris, Tokyo, and Los Angeles have Disneyland. Some people wait in line for hours for their favorite rides. Roller coasters provide much of the draw for young and old alike. There’s the thrill of the height, the rush of sound, the feeling of being weightless, and then the falling down, down, down! In fact, the names of the rides alone hint at the thrill that is to come: Australia has the Tower of Terror and Japan the Steel Dragon. Q: Roller coasters can attract people just because they are new inventions that can give people an experience of weightlessness. (1 نمره)


The crowd was …………………….by the acrobats. (1 نمره)


Which context clue can you find in the following sentence? “They weren’t sure what it was but they assumed it was water.” (1 نمره)


As a result of this death, the park implemented new practices. Now all employees who operate the ride must be retrained in safety procedures, new signs must be posted that specify the safety regulations, and park management must now review the safety procedures prior to a ride operator’s shift. Q: New safety procedures are followed to prevent any future accidents. (1 نمره)


We hope that the lottery's record-setting jackpot is won by a/an ……………………. family. (1 نمره)


The key to health is to allocate a percentage of your fat intake to each type of fat. Saturated fat in moderate amounts poses no problem. In general, you will be fine if less than 20 percent of the fat you consume is saturated. Beyond that level, saturated fat may promote heart disease and perhaps some types of cancer. A diet high in saturated fat can also make you depressed and antisocial, and impair your general mental performance. Unsaturated fats should make up most of your fat intake. But beware. Unsaturated fats are especially high in calories and could cause weight problems. The smart approach is to keep your overall fat intake low and make sure that most of it is in the form of unsaturated fats. Q: Which one is NOT true? (1 نمره)


Perhaps one of the best parts about the series is the ……………………. identity of the main character. (1 نمره)


Paraphrase the following sentence(s). (write the meaning in English in your own words)

Get to the point and sell your professional self. Develop a few brief sentences that demonstrate you have what it takes to do the job-experience, proven results, and desire to contribute. (1 نمره)


He had a big stain on his shirt, but I ……………………. not to notice. (1 نمره)


The room didn't have any heating, and we had to …………………….huddle together for warmth. (1 نمره)


If you want to know how the article is organize, which one of the following skills should you use? (1 نمره)


Paraphrase the following sentence(s). (write the meaning in English in your own words)

With a little imagination, they gray seas suggest a face, the familiar man in the moon with his lopsided smile and weepy eyes. (1 نمره)


These accidents lead to questions about how roller coasters are regulated. What went wrong on the Ride of Steel to result in a man’s death? Many times in accidents such as these, the cause is not clear. In this particular case, an investigation by the Department of Labor was conducted to obtain more information. The department found that it was not that the roller coaster was unsafe, but that the ride operators violated the rules. Q: Human error cause an accident on the ride of steel. (1 نمره)


Paraphrase the following sentence(s). (write the meaning in English in your own words)

The waves are gentle, the water soothing. But more important to me is the sea's permanence and sheer force.  (1 نمره)


Fats are broadly classified as either “saturated” or “unsaturated.” Most foods that contain fat contain both kinds, in varying proportions. Foods that are high in saturated fats include meat, butter, and other animal products. In general, saturated fats are solid at room temperature. Foods high in unsaturated fats include vegetable oils, nuts, and avocados. Unsaturated fats, if separated out, are usually liquid at room temperature. Q. What is the best title for this paragraph? (1 نمره)


Most people associate the term fat with poor health. We are encouraged to eat fat-free foods and to drain fat away from fried foods. To understand its nutritional benefits, however, we have to change the paradigm for how we think about fat. The first step is gaining a better understanding of fat. Instead of conceiving of it as a single thing, we have to recognize it as several discrete types of a similar compound. Not every fat is your enemy. Fats—the right kinds and in the right amounts—are among your best friends. It is smart to commit to a balanced-fat diet, not to a no-fat diet. Q: What is the main idea of this paragraph? (1 نمره)


As the old saying goes, you are what you eat. The foods you eat obviously affect your body’s performance. They may also influence how your brain handles its tasks. If it handles them well, you think more clearly, and you are more emotionally stable. The right foods can help you concentrate, keep you motivated, sharpen your memory, speed your reaction time, reduce stress, and perhaps even prevent brain aging. Q: Which one is not mentioned as a way foods affect your body? (1 نمره)


He made an important ……………………. to the debate. (1 نمره)


Everyone has different perspectives about the matter, which can stem from a/ an ……………………. of experiences and religious beliefs. (1 نمره)


She ……………………. from his expression that he was confused. (1 نمره)


The prime minister ……………………. that there are no plans to raise taxes. (1 نمره)


This great act of ……………………. will always be remembered by the local people. (1 نمره)


But is this summertime tradition safe? A quick glance at the national newspaper headlines from July 2011 makes the thrills seem hardly worth the risk. “Freak roller coaster accidents cause concern over their safety,” reads one article. At a theme park in New York in the United States, a twenty-nine-year-old father was thrown from the roller coaster Ride of Steel as it made its rapid descent. He was wearing a safety belt at the time. A couple of days later in the state of Texas riders were suspended 14 stories up in the air for over 30 minutes before being able to climb down an emergency stairway to safety. Q: The safety of roller coasters is under question. (1 نمره)


They established a/ an ……………………. to help orphaned children. (1 نمره)


The two countries ……………………. a strong alliance. (1 نمره)


The cost turned out to be higher than we ……………………. (1 نمره)


Keeping your fat intake too low, on the other hand, could also be dangerous. Fat in food is broken down into chemicals called fatty acids. The body uses them for many purposes. They go into all hormones. They are critical to body metabolism. And they are part of the outer membrane of every cell in the body, including those in the brain. You need these fatty acids in order to stay physically healthy and mentally sharp. Q: Which statement is true? (1 نمره)


The team carries an immense sense of pride and ……………………. for all its wins during the season. (1 نمره)
