زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون Exam-Lesson one-Grade 11-Aban 1400 به صورت دیجی فرم

Exam-Lesson one-Grade 11  time:30 minutes-     توجه به هیج عنوان تا اتمام و ثبت آزمون از سابت خارح نشوید.


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 30 دقیقه میباشد

مرحله بعد
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


کد ملی خود را وارد نمایید *


Language is a system of sounds, gestures, or characters for communicating among people in the world. People use language to communicate with each other. They exchange knowledge, beliefs, wishes, and feelings through it. Deaf and dumb people around the world use gestures and body movements to express their ideas. Languages are always changing, but, they change very slowly. People invent new words for their language, borrow words from other languages, and change the meaning of the words as needed. The most popular language in the world is Chinese. More than one billion people in the world speak Chinese. Interestingly, English has fewer native speakers than Chinese, but there are about one billion learners of English all around the world. All languages are really valuable. It is impossible to imagine a world without language. Therefore, we should respect all languages, no matter how different they are and how many speakers they have.


 According to the passage, we should respect only our own language (0.5 نمره)


Pay attention! --------------------- off the grass. (1 نمره)


A: How was the hotel you stayed in during your vacation ?

B: Well, It was ………………… excellent. (1 نمره)


Starting your meals with a ............ of salad will help you lose weight. (1 نمره)


Look at this thick book: it has ............ pages and I must finish it by next week. (1 نمره)


A large group of people who live together. (1 نمره)


Language is a system of sounds, gestures, or characters for communicating among people in the world. People use language to communicate with each other. They exchange knowledge, beliefs, wishes, and feelings through it. Deaf and dumb people around the world use gestures and body movements to express their ideas. Languages are always changing, but, they change very slowly. People invent new words for their language, borrow words from other languages, and change the meaning of the words as needed. The most popular language in the world is Chinese. More than one billion people in the world speak Chinese. Interestingly, English has fewer native speakers than Chinese, but there are about one billion learners of English all around the world. All languages are really valuable. It is impossible to imagine a world without language. Therefore, we should respect all languages, no matter how different they are and how many speakers they have.


In this text, the pronoun “it” refers to ………………. (1 نمره)


I have ............ homework to do for tomorrow. (1 نمره)


We express our thoughts --------------------languages. (1 نمره)


Language is a system of sounds, gestures, or characters for communicating among people in the world. People use language to communicate with each other. They exchange knowledge, beliefs, wishes, and feelings through it. Deaf and dumb people around the world use gestures and body movements to express their ideas. Languages are always changing, but, they change very slowly. People invent new words for their language, borrow words from other languages, and change the meaning of the words as needed. The most popular language in the world is Chinese. More than one billion people in the world speak Chinese. Interestingly, English has fewer native speakers than Chinese, but there are about one billion learners of English all around the world. All languages are really valuable. It is impossible to imagine a world without language. Therefore, we should respect all languages, no matter how different they are and how many speakers they have.


What's the antonym of the word “borrow” in the second paragraph? (1 نمره)


The English Language is a/an ------------------------- language all around the world. (1 نمره)


There are a ............ eggs in the fridge, but you will need to buy ............ milk. (1 نمره)


Has she got ............ cousins in England? (1 نمره)


Language is a system of sounds, gestures, or characters for communicating among people in the world. People use language to communicate with each other. They exchange knowledge, beliefs, wishes, and feelings through it. Deaf and dumb people around the world use gestures and body movements to express their ideas. Languages are always changing, but, they change very slowly. People invent new words for their language, borrow words from other languages, and change the meaning of the words as needed. The most popular language in the world is Chinese. More than one billion people in the world speak Chinese. Interestingly, English has fewer native speakers than Chinese, but there are about one billion learners of English all around the world. All languages are really valuable. It is impossible to imagine a world without language. Therefore, we should respect all languages, no matter how different they are and how many speakers they have.


Russian is the most well-known language in the world.   (0.5 نمره)


Our English teacher speaks two languages -------------English. (1 نمره)


 Does water really--------------- on Mars? (1 نمره)


Language is a system of sounds, gestures, or characters for communicating among people in the world. People use language to communicate with each other. They exchange knowledge, beliefs, wishes, and feelings through it. Deaf and dumb people around the world use gestures and body movements to express their ideas. Languages are always changing, but, they change very slowly. People invent new words for their language, borrow words from other languages, and change the meaning of the words as needed. The most popular language in the world is Chinese. More than one billion people in the world speak Chinese. Interestingly, English has fewer native speakers than Chinese, but there are about one billion learners of English all around the world. All languages are really valuable. It is impossible to imagine a world without language. Therefore, we should respect all languages, no matter how different they are and how many speakers they have.


In the text, the word “dumb” refers to people who are not able to ……………. (1 نمره)


How much--------------------- do you need to solve the problem?   (1 نمره)


I can't make a cake because we don't have ............. flour. (1 نمره)


Deaf people use -------------language to communicate. (1 نمره)


The hospital was very crowded. There were too ............ people there. (1 نمره)
