آزمون Vision:3, Lesson:1 به صورت دیجی فرم


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 35 دقیقه میباشد

نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *

As the question is so hard, someone knows the answer, ----------------------? (0.5 نمره)

Failure to keep the chemical at the right temperature could ------------- an explosion. (0.5 نمره)

She is a totally -------------- teacher who always tries hard to bring out the best in her students. (0.5 نمره)

That definitely cost a lot, ------------------? (0.5 نمره)

11. He bought a house, found a job, --------------- chose a school for his children last year.  (0.5 نمره)

Six people have -------------- that they will be attending and ten haven't replied so far. (0.5 نمره)

Turn the following sentence into the passive voice.


 He hasn't informed us about the results. (1 نمره)

I’ve always been proud to say that my company was -------------- on the principle that art can be a powerful force. (0.5 نمره)

I’ve heard they have a party every weekend, …………….? (0.5 نمره)

We are an old nation proud of our national ---------------------. (0.5 نمره)

The room ----------------- when I arrived home, wasn't it? (0.5 نمره)

According to scientists, dinosaurs ------------------- millions of years ago. (0.5 نمره)

Fill in the blanks with your own words:

They have to speak louder because their grandmother is h---------------- of ------------------.
(0.5 نمره)

Fill in the blanks with your own words:

Jack's mother died when he was two and he was actually b--------------------  ------- by his father alone.
(0.5 نمره)

I'm sure sooner or later she's going to realize what a mistake she's ----------------. (0.5 نمره)

The electromagnetic field ------------ becomes weaker as you move further away from high voltage cables. (0.5 نمره)

Each of the workers ----------------- 200 dollars to finish the job as soon as possible. (0.5 نمره)

Fill in the blank with your own word:

I have recorded my thoughts and feelings on my d------------------ every day for 10 years.

(0.5 نمره)

I leaned across Lili and ------------- my voice so only she and Hana could hear me. (0.5 نمره)

Put the words in order and make a meaningful sentence.

into / water / converted / cold weather / in / be / can / ice / ?
(1 نمره)

I don't suppose you are serious, --------------------? (0.5 نمره)

You received your phone bill four weeks ago, ------------------- yet. (0.5 نمره)

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