زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون ترم دوم-زبان انگلیسی-پایه یازدهم-آموزشگاه دارالعلوم به صورت دیجی فرم

روز همگی بخیر 🙏🏻🌹🙏🏻

🔹آزمون میان ترم دوم از کلیه دروس کتاب زبان انگلیسی می باشد.
🔹این آزمون در دیجی فرم برگزار می شود.( فیلم آموزشی چگونگی ورود به این بخش و نحوه شرکت در آزمون در گروه قرار داده خواهد شد.)
بخشی از نمره در آزمون کتبی خواهد بود.(بخش دیگر نمره مربوط به فعالیت ها و
تکالیفی است که درطول ترم ارسال کردید میباشد.(بخش های شنیداری و گفتاری))
قوانینی که برای آزمون قبلی می بایست رعایت می کردید برای آزمون میان ترم
هم باید رعایت شود. (مثل خارج نشدن از صفحه آزمون یا دو بار آزمون ندادن،
خاموش بودن فیلترشکن و عدم زدن دکمه بازگشت و...)
🔹مرورگر های گوشی خود را تا فرصت دارید به روز کنید.
🔹در صورت وجود هر گونه مساله ای در رابطه با نحوه آزمون دادن در دیجی فرم، آن را قبل از موعد آزمون برطرف کنید.
🔹شرکت در این آزمون الزامی و نمره آن مستقیم  ثبت میگردد.
🔹غیبت و یا شرکت نکردن در آزمون با نمره صفر برابری می کند.

✳️ برای مطالعه برنامه ریزی بفرمایید
✳️ به هیچ عنوان فیلترشکن شما روشن نباشد و تحت هیچ شرایطی دکمه بازگشت را نزنید.

با آرزوی موفقیت ❤️
Best wishes ❤️


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 75 دقیقه میباشد

پس از پاسخ به هر سوال، امکان بازگشت و ویرایش پاسخ وجود ندارد

تایید و ادامه
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را به زبان فارسی وارد نمایید *


Choose the best answer.

Shima: What are you doing here?

Mona: I am looking (at/ for/ after)my keys. I (haven’t seen/ didn’t see) them since I came home.

Shima: They (‘ve been/ were) on the table an hour ago.

Mona: If I (will lose/ lose) them, I will be late for work. (2 نمره)


Choose the best answer.

1-I wonder where Sue is.She promised………..late.

a)be not b)not to be c)not being d)not

2-Linda…………her passport again.It's the second time this happens.

a) loses b)is losing c) has lost d)lost (1 نمره)


Add prefixes and suffixes (ous- al- or-ion) to the following words to make new words.




4-narrate (2 نمره)


Write the correct form of the verbs.

1)If I ………..(to finish) reading the old story book, I ………..(to go) to the market.

2)You shouldn’t let him ………..you. (to hurt)

3)Has the boy ………..his homework? (to do)

4)The air ……..(be) clean if people use public transportation. (2 نمره)


Fill in the blanks with proper words.

[much / many/ few/ a little]

1)There is ………cheese in the fridge. So,I have to buy it.

2)There are ……..eggs here, so I don’t need any.

3)How …………rice do we have? There’s enough rice.

4)I just have a ………bananas. so, I’ll buy more. (2 نمره)


Unscramble the following sentences.

. 1)enough / hasn’t / last year / this man / earned / money / since . …………………………………………………………….. .

2)if / the party / what / nobody / happen / will / comes to? ……………………………………………………… (2 نمره)


Read the text and choose the best answer.

People’s busy lifestyle in big cities has created many problems for their health. Rushing to and from school and work has made it hard for everyone ………1……. active. Many people do not have time to cook or ……2……. healthy food. They eat unhealthy snacks and junk food. This type of …3…… has changed people’s taste .Watching TV and working with technology for long hours have also risked people’s health. They have increased the risk of heart diseases and sleep ……4….. . So the things that seem so ……5…. now can cause serious problems in the future.

1) a.being physical b.being physically c.to be physically d.be physical

2) a.prevent b.protect c.compare d.prepare

3)a.diet b.stage c.piece d.item

4)a.means b.disorders c.regions d.including

5)a.patient b.honest c.simple d.cheap (2.5 نمره)


There are four grammatical mistakes . Find them and correct them.

Knowing different cultures, tourists travel around the world. They enjoy to visit historical sites. They are interested at art. They expect taking a part of culture to their homeland. Travelers get surprising when they find people’s differences. (2 نمره)


Choose an antonym.

1-He moved to a different city;we rarely see each other.

a)often b)never c)always d)hardly

2-If you find yourself getting bored lying in front of TV,there are plenty of activities to keep you busy.

a)painting b)worried c)amused d)confused (2 نمره)


نام کلاس و رشته تحصیلی خود را با دقت انتخاب کنید. *


Unscramble the words.

1-To be heonts .I can't work with you.


2-Our teacher has a lot of epxerencies to manage the class (2 نمره)


Complete the E-mail by using the words in pare parentheses.

Hi Sara. I’m surprised to hear that you are going to see our town. I’m sure you will enjoy that. First of all, you should read ………(some/ a little) books about my city’s tourists attractions. If you want ………..(to see/ seeing) all historical sites, you will become ………(bored/ boring). Try …………(choose/ to choose)the most important ones. Don’t worry! I will take you everywhere and show you the best of my city. (2 نمره)


Fill the gaps with the appropriate verbs.

1-My sister and I have some plans for the weekend. If she ………1…………………(take) a day off, we..............2.................(travel) to the seaside.

2-She is a really interesting person.I always enjoy……3……(talk)to her.

3-I'm still looking for a new apartment,but I hope ……4…..(find)something soon. (2.5 نمره)


Fill in the blanks with the given words.There is one extra word.



1-It's…...…to be rich and not care about the people who are hungry and homeless.

2-The government is trying to limit the use of chemicals which are……………to environment.

3-As soon as they found out I was a doctor,their whole ………..changed.

4- How could you treat her so heartlessly?I'm so …………of you. (2 نمره)


Fill in the blanks with proper words .(one word is extra)

[attack / points/ economy/ prevent/ balanced ]

If you really want to live longer, you need to follow these ……1…… .First, try to have a ……2…diet that contains enough amount of fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. Second, fast food is really harmful to your body. They make you fat and the risk of heart ……3……will increase by eating them a lot. Do not forget doing daily exercise can ……4…diseases and keep you safe. (2 نمره)
