Cloze passage: Read the following passage and choose the best choice for each blank space.
When parents accept, love, and show kindness to their children, even when they ....1.... mistakes or fall short of expectations, this is ....2.... . Therefore, parents love their children for who they are, no matter what. In contrast, conditional parenting ....3.... children the message that they must earn their parent's love. Therefore, children feel they need to meet their parent's expectations in order to receive their kindness and approval. As a result, such children would like to show stress and to question whether they are ....4.... love, even when they reach adulthood. True, conditional love and strict parenting sometimes ....5.... higher achievement in children and teens.
1. a) do. b) hold
c) make. d) spare
2. a) distinguishing factor
b) surprising action
c) important thing
d) unconditional love
3. a) is given. b) has been given
c) will be given. d) gives
4. a) free of. b) worthy of
c) conditional. d) satisfied with
5. a) result in. b) quit
c) lack. d) confirm
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