زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون پایان ترم نوبت دوم پایه یازدهم دبیرستان نیکان دبیر : مختاری به صورت دیجی فرم

ضمن آرزوی موفقیت برای شما دانش آموز عزیزم
خروج از آزمون به منزله ی تقلب بوده و درصورت مشاهده، پاسخنامه شما تصحیح نمی شود


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 70 دقیقه میباشد

در هنگام شروع آزمون دوربین فعال میشود

مرحله بعد
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


My brother is tired………………….. their talking about …………………….………. Italian food. (0.25 نمره)


جملات زیر تعریف چه کلماتی هستند

1. With all parts existing in the correct amounts.
2. The physical or mental power or skill to do something.
(0.5 نمره)


. There are seven ……………….. in the world such as Europe, Asia, Africa.  (0.25 نمره)


کدام کلمه متفاوت است (0.25 نمره)


جملات زیر را با کلمات داده شده کامل کنید

(lose / exists / gain / heart / prevent)

1. Do you believe that life ………. on other planets?
2. Our neighbor had a ………. attack last night.
3. You will ………. weight if you stop eating junk food.
4. Doing regular exercises will ………. many diseases.
(1 نمره)


کدام کلمه متفاوت است
(0.25 نمره)


با وصل کردن کلمات دو ستون، چهار کلمه بسازید

     A                                               B
Culture                                        al
Simple                                        ity
Diverse                                       ful
Skill                                              ly
Important                                 un
(1 نمره)


Choose the correct answer.

I'm totally .......... (confused /confusing). Can you explain it again?
(0.25 نمره)


 - متن زیر را بدقت خوانده و به سؤالات آن پاسخ دهید.

The Louvre museum is one of the largest and most important museums in the world. It is housed in the expansive Louvre Palace, situated at the heart of Paris. The collection of the Louvre Museum was first established in the sixteenth century as the private collection of King Francis 1. One of the works of art he bought was the now famous Mona Lisa painting. The collection grew steadily thanks to donations and purchases by the king. In 1793, during the French Revolution, the Louvre became a national art museum and the private collection opened to the public. The museum has a collection of over one million works of art, of which about 35,000 are on display, spread out over three wings of the former palace. The museum has a diverse collection ranging from the Antiquity up to the mid-nineteenth century. Some of the most famous works of art in the museum are the Nike of Samothrace, the Dying Slave by Michelangelo and of course Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

الف) با استفاده از متن درست یا غلط بودن جملات را مشخص کنید   

1. The Louvre is in France. TRUE  FALSE 

2. Only the King's family can visit the museum. TRUE  FALSE 

ب) با توجه به متن ، به سؤالات پاسخ کامل دهید

3. When did the Louvre become a national art museum? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

4. How many works of art are there in the Louvre? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………… .

5. Find a synonym for "Well-known": ………………… and an antonym for "smallest":.................... (2 نمره)


Choose the correct answer.

The information he gave me ........... (were/ was) very useful.
(0.25 نمره)


در کدام گزینه Gerund به کار رفته است؟ (0.25 نمره)


متن زیر را با کلمات داده شده کامل کنید. یک کلمه اضافه است

(language – illness – people – check – heartbeat – longer)

To have a healthier lifestyle, …....1...… need to do certain things. First they should  check their general health. Measuring blood pressure and ...…2..….. is the most  important thing to do. They also need to …...3...… their family health history. In this  way, they understand if anyone in the family has had a special …....4....… .Another thing is paying attention to physical health. For example, eating healthy food helps people live …....5...… and prevents diseases. (1.25 نمره)


If Ali ……… , he will miss the bus. (0.25 نمره)


جمله درهم ریخته زیر را مرتب کنید

You/ever/ story book/ read/ have/ that/?
(0.5 نمره)


فرم صحیح کلمات داخل پرانتز را بنویسید

20) I've visited a lot of cities around the world but I ........... Istanbul yet. (see)

21)It is easy .......... this machine. ( use) (0.5 نمره)


موارد داخل پرانتز را برای هر جمله مشخص کنید

1) Our friend lives in a very small village. ( subject )
 2) Many years ago, some people could speak this old language. ( verb ) 
3) How many mice do you keep in the laboratory ? ( object ) 
4) The doctor always talks to his patients politely. ( adverb of manner )
(1 نمره)


If you think that you are ............ your current job, why won't you quit? (0.25 نمره)


We did not have ………. visitors in the exhibition hall this week. (0.25 نمره)


Radio, television, telephones, newspapers are all means of …………………. .  (0.25 نمره)


10 - متن زیر را بدقت بخوانید و پاسخ درست را انتخاب کنید

. Art is a creative activity by people. These people are called …………1………….. . They hope to affect the emotions of people who ……………2…………. It. Artists express themselves by their art. Some people find art …………3………… . Many people disagree on how to define art. Some say people are driven to make art due to their inner creativity. Art includes drawing, ……………4………… , sculpting , photography, performance art, music, poetry and theatre.

1. a) artists    b) workers     c) rulers      d) surfers

2. a) introduce     b) experience   c) decrease      d) measure

3. a) weaving       b) reflecting      c) relaxing       d) smoking

4. A) jogging       b) hunting      c) sailing            d) painting  (1 نمره)


شکل صحیح افعال درون پرانتز را بنویسید.

(Gerund یا infinitive)

1.It is easy how ………. this machine. ( use )

2. We can't learn English without ………. mistakes. ( make )

  (0.5 نمره)
