درک مطلب: با توجه به کلمات داده شده در جای خالی کلمه مناسب قرار دهید
در کدام گزینه پاسخ ها به شکل درست چیده شده اند؟
Value , special , successful , artworks , artist
Our neighbor is a craftsman. I love his beautiful ………... . Whenever I see his works, I wish to be like him, when I grow up.
If you do
not see any ………... thing in a pottery, you won’t appreciate its value. If you do not
appreciate the ........ of art, you cannot become a ………... artist. You will just make things.
a) artworks _ special _ successful _ value
b) value _ special _ art work _ successful
c) artworks _ special _ value _ successful
d) special _ artwork _ value _ successful
(1 نمره)