زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون نوشتاری پایه دهم نوبت دوم به صورت دیجی فرم

لطفا با دقت سوالات را بخوانید و پاسخ دهید
به زمان تعیین شده توجه کنید و به هیچ وجه از منوی امتحان خارج نشوید.


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 90 دقیقه میباشد

مرحله بعد
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


نام پدر خود را وارد نمایید *


کلمات ستون های "الف" را با ستون "ب" مطابقت دهید


            الف                                          ب                    

1. Take                      |                A: an interview


2. Daily                      |                B: care of 


3. Attend                    |                C: exercise     


4. four-season             |               D: successful


                                 |               E: country 

(1 نمره)


بهترین گزینه را انتخاب کنید


1: We _______________ down when we saw the woman.

a. walked

b. walks

c. were walking

d. walking


2: _______ Ben was doing his homework, he got a text message from his friend.

a. As

b. when

c. if

d. however


3. When I saw Dave, he ____________ in the garden.

a. is working

b. was working

c. worked

d. works


4: Children  ..................  eat fast food  because it is not good for their health .

a. have to

b. had to

c. must

d. must not


5: They -------------- do their homework today because it is a holiday at the school.

a. must not

b. don’t have

c. don’t have to

d. shouldn’t


6: I'll see you ________ May.

a. on

b. at

c. in

d. no preposition (1.5 نمره)


جملات زیر را بخوانید و بهترین شکل فعل را انتخاب کنید.


1. I (don’t like / am not liking) reading newspapers.

2. At 3 o’clock yesterday, I (needed / was needing) a taxi.

3. She (watches / is watching) television at the moment.

4. Unfortunately, he (didn’t remember / wasn’t remembering) my name. (1 نمره)


جای خالی را با کلمات داده شده پر کنید. یک کلمه اضافی وجود دارد


knowledge, abroad, believe, grave, international


1. Holy Prophet Muhammad said," Seek knowledge from the cradle to the …………. "

2. Her …………….  of English grammar is very extensive.

3. He wanted the best for his children - good schools, a nice house and trips   ………….

4. Mehrabad is one of the first ……………..  airports of Iran. (1 نمره)


تعاریف را با کلمات مطابقت دهید:


"A. healthy   B. hospitable    C. Pilgrim     D. a few"


1: a person who travels to a holy place for religious reasons

2: strong and well

3: a small number of things or people

4: friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors (1 نمره)


متن زیر را بخوانید و به سوالات پاسخ دهید

In Asia, Iran is a great destination for tourists. This beautiful country is a true paradise for people of the world. Each year, many people from all parts of the world visit Iran’s attractions. Iran is a four- season country and tourists can find a range of activities from skiing to desert touring in different parts of the country. Many Muslims also travel to Iran and go to holy shrines in Mashhad, Qom and Shiraz. Iranian people are hospitable and kind to travelers and tourists.



1. What is the best sentence for this picture? 

2. When you travel from Tabriz to Mashhad you are a domestic tourist.         a) True       b) False

3. Iran is a great destination for tourists in the world.              a) True       b) False (2 نمره)
دریافت سوال 15


مکالمات زیر را با استفاده از صفت مناسب در پرانتز کامل کنید.


Shayan: My father is going to buy a new phone.

Ali: Do you have any information about them?

Shayan: Yea. Here is a list of three good phones.

Ali: Ok. HTC is ……(1)………   LG (large) but LG is ……(2)…… (fast).

Shayan: You are right. And LG is ………(3)……… of all. (cheap).

Ali: What is more important for your father?

Shayan: He dose not like a small phone.

Ali: Then Samasung - Galaxy A9 is ……(4)…… choice (good). It is also the most expensive.


  (1 نمره)
دریافت سوال 6


صفات داده شده در جمله را تبدیل به قید کنید و در جای خالی بنویسید

a. She is ((careful)) when she researches her topic. She researches her topic …......(1)………….

b. Her voice is ((clear)) and easy to understand. She speaks -------(2)--------.

c. He was ((polite)). He talked ………(3)……… to the interviewer.

d: He was ((good)) at answering the questions. He answered the questions ---------(4)-----------. (2 نمره)


مکالمات زیر را با استفاده از افعال داخل پرانتز کامل کنید. تغییرات لازم را انجام دهید


1. Shayan: What ___________ (do) in the summer holidays?

Ali: I am going to pass my driving test at last.


2. Shayan: Oh, that's cool. I think __________ (go) to Germany to visit my grandparents.


3. Ali: How long _________ (stay) there?

Shayan Oh, I'm not sure. It will probably take at least a week. I am also going to visit my uncle who lives nearby.


4. Ali: And what __________(you, now, do)?

Shayan: I am going to gave lunch in 30 minutes. (1 نمره)


بهترین گزینه را انتخاب کنید

1: He  should  ............................  that book  now .

a. translates

b. translating

c. translate

d. translator


2: I  finished  reading  that book  ........    6 o clock  ............  Saturday morning .

a. at - on

b. on - at 

c. at - in 

d. on - in 


3: They  .................  a house  soon  . they have  enough  money . 

a.are going to buy 

b. were going to buy 

c. buys 

d. bought


4: The students should not speak  ...............    in the classroom . 

a. loud 

b. loudly

c. as loud as

d. louder (1 نمره)


پاسخ های درست را انتخاب کنید.

1. Maryam and I did the experiment ………………. (ourselves/ herself/ myself).

2. Did you ……………...bake this cake? (yourself/ themselves/ itself) (0.5 نمره)


متن زیر را بخوانید و به سوالات پاسخ دهید.


The Asiatic Cheetahs or the Iranian Cheetahs mostly live in Iran. They are different from other cheetahs, which lived in Africa, 30,000 years ago. Iran’s cheetahs must be protected for the future of all cheetahs. Past years they were in 44 countries in Africa but are now only found in 29. They were also in southwest and central Asia but today we see them in Iran. The Cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. It can weigh from 34 to 54 kg, but the male is larger than the female.

Cheetahs stay in small plains and open places for food. This wild animal is found in the Kavir desert region of Iran, which includes parts of the Kerman, Khorasan, Semnan, Yazd, Tehran, and Markazi provinces. The Asiatic Cheetah also seems to survive in the dry open Baluchistan province of Pakistan where he can find fine food. They are endangered animals and people must take care of them.


1. Animal’s name:………………………. .

2. Natural home:………………………………..

3. Weight:………………………

4. The male cheetah is larger than the female.     a) True       b) False (2 نمره)
دریافت سوال 14


حروف را مرتب کنید، سپس کلمات را در جای خالی بکار ببرید

1. Persian ......................... is an endangered animal.

2. The ......................... pumps blood round the body.

3. Don’t forget to turn off the .........................

4. My brother is in ......................... He’s broken his leg.

  (1 نمره)
دریافت سوال 3


جدول زیر را با کلمات مناسب از متن زیر تکمیل کنید.


Some scientists did not have easy lives. But they tried very hard when they were working on hard problems. They never felt weak when they were studying carefully. One of these great men was Alexander Fleming. He found a new medicine while working on antibiotics.

  (2 نمره)
دریافت سوال 13


گفتگوی بین جک و مایک را با استفاده از کلمات داخل پرانتز کامل کنید.


1. Jack: What ……………………… (you, do) when I called you?

2. Mike: I ………………...……. (write) a poem. (0.5 نمره)


جاهای خالی را با کلمات مناسب پر کنید


products – defines – sources – holiday – economy – international


Tourism is usually defined as a travel for pleasure, but the World Tourism Organization ---1--------- it as something beyond the -----2------- activity. We can also look at it as an industry. It can play such an important role in the country's -----3------- that may sometimes be more important than oil exports, food ------4------ or automobile industry. In fact, it is now one of the main income -----5------- for many developing countries. Tourism can be domestic or international. In ------6------ tourism the money comes into the host country but goes out of the source country. But in domestic tourism the money that the tourists spend for different purposes is a source of income for the country itself. (1.5 نمره)


پاراگراف زیر را بخوانید و پاسخ صحیح را انتخاب کنید.

John is 15 years old. He is thin. He has 40 (short black / black short) hair and glasses. He`s a friendly and talkative person, but sometimes he is shy. His brother, Alex, is 41 (fater / fatter) than him. Alex is creative and very interested in art and fashion. (1 نمره)


از افعال مناسب استفاده کنید


(should, must, may, can).

As a tourist, we …......(1)……… be careful about our behavior in a foreign country. We ……(2)…… break any rule if we want to have a good and safe trip. We ……(3)……… like a part ofthe host’s culture, but we ………(4)…… be polite to people and their values. (1 نمره)


جملات را در یک ترتیبِ مناسب قرار دهید.


1: But such books are not very interesting.

2: When I came in, you were reading a book. What was it?

3: At first I had the same idea, believe me!

4: I was reading a book about famous Iranian scientists. (2 نمره)
