زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون جامع درس اول زبان یازدهم به صورت دیجی فرم

سوالات را بدقت بخوانید وقت پیشنهادی شما 35 دقیقه میباشد


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 35 دقیقه میباشد

تایید و ادامه
نام و نام خانوادگی و شماره کلاس خود را وارد نمایید *


Our ------------------- to think and speak makes us different from other animals. (1 نمره)


Everyone needs to have both -------------------- and physical health. (1 نمره)


......... heavy snow, they didn't cancel their trip. (1 نمره)


Most of the ancient languages have ---------------- because they have no speakers. (1 نمره)


That book is appropriate for young children. “Appropriate” means ------------ in this sentence. (1 نمره)


I haven’t been paid for two -----------------. Can I ask you to lend me --------------- money? (1 نمره)


In Alaska in the winter, there ----------------- a lot of ----------------- on the ground. (1 نمره)


One of my best friends did -------------------- homework at school during the break time. (1 نمره)


كلمات را با معني هايشان جور كنيد( specific / vary / society / ability / region / make up )
1: the physical or mental power or skill to do something
2: relating to one thing and not others
3: to be different from each other
4. to form a thing, amount or number
5. a part of your country or your city (1 نمره)


جواب صحيح را انتخاب كنيد . Answer1---a) means b) points c) thoughts d) choices

Language is the normal way humans communicate. Only humans use language, though other
animals communicate through other * (---1---). Human language has syntax, a set of rules for
connecting words together to make statements and questions. Language can also be (---2---), by
adding new words, for example, to describe new things. Other animals may inherit a set of calls
which have pre-set functions. Language may be done by speech or by writing or by moving the
hands to make (---3---). It follows that language is not just any way of (---4---). Even some human
communication is not language. Humans also use language for thinking. UNESCO says that
2,500 languages are at risk of (---5---) extinct. (0.5 نمره)


جواب صحيح را انتخاب كنيد  :Answer 2--a) chosen b) changed c) existed d) made up

Language is the normal way humans communicate. Only humans use language, though other
animals communicate through other (---1---). Human language has syntax, a set of rules for
connecting words together to make statements and questions. Language can also be ** (---2---), by
adding new words, for example, to describe new things. Other animals may inherit a set of calls
which have pre-set functions. Language may be done by speech or by writing or by moving the
hands to make (---3---). It follows that language is not just any way of (---4---). 2Even some human
communication is not language. Humans also use language for thinking. UNESCO says that
2,500 languages are at risk of (---5---) extinct. (0.5 نمره)


جواب صحيح را انتخاب كنييد Answer 3 a) rules b) regions c) points d) signs

Language is the normal way humans communicate. Only humans use language, though other
animals communicate through other (---1---). Human language has syntax, a set of rules for
connecting words together to make statements and questions. Language can also be (---2---), by
adding new words, for example, to describe new things. Other animals may inherit a set of calls
which have pre-set functions. Language may be done by speech or by writing or by moving the
hands to make*** (---3---). It follows that language is not just any way of (---4---). Even some human
communication is not language. Humans also use language for thinking. UNESCO says that
2,500 languages are at risk of (---5---) extinct. (0.5 نمره)


جواب صحيح را انتخاب كنيدanswer. 4. a) ranging b) explaining c) communicating d) interviewing

Language is the normal way humans communicate. Only humans use language, though other
animals communicate through other (---1---). Human language has syntax, a set of rules for
connecting words together to make statements and questions. Language can also be (---2---), by
adding new words, for example, to describe new things. Other animals may inherit a set of calls
which have pre-set functions. Language may be done by speech or by writing or by moving the
hands to make (---3---). It follows that language is not just any way of****(---4---). Even some human
communication is not language. Humans also use language for thinking. UNESCO says that
2,500 languages are at risk of (---5---) extinct. (0.5 نمره)


جواب مناسب را انتخاب كنيد answer. 5. a) making b) becoming c) knowing d) saying

Language is the normal way humans communicate. Only humans use language, though other
animals communicate through other (---1---). Human language has syntax, a set of rules for
connecting words together to make statements and questions. Language can also be (---2---), by
adding new words, for example, to describe new things. Other animals may inherit a set of calls
which have pre-set functions. Language may be done by speech or by writing or by moving the
hands to make (---3---). It follows that language is not just any way of (---4---). Even some human
communication is not language. Humans also use language for thinking. UNESCO says that
2,500 languages are at risk of****8 (---5---) extinct. (0.5 نمره)


يك كلمه با بقيه فرق دارد آن را مشخص كنيد..
Ocenia / Russia / Africa / Europe (1 نمره)


Can I have a ....... of orange juice and a ..... of cake please? (1 نمره)


كدام جمله از لحاظ گرامري درست است؟ (1 نمره)


جند اشتباه در جمله وجود دارد آنها را پيدا كنيد سپس تصحيح كنيد.

1. They may ask for two bottle of water, and three kilos of meats.
2. I cooked three fishes for dinner.
3. She gave me some wrong informations. Her advice was incorrect.
4. Henry drank two warm cup of coffees. (1 نمره)


Look at the sky. There are ................. of birds flying together. (1 نمره)


متن را بخوانيد و جواب درست را انتخاب كنيد.

My mother and I went to a supermarket yesterday. We bought (some/many) coffee, and two(pieces/cups) of paper .When we were leaving the supermarket , I saw (a little /a few) children in the street. They were buying (lots of /much) pencils. We spent (many/much) money yesterday. (1 نمره)


There ( was / were ) lots of rain yesterday. (0.5 نمره)


A: ........... fruit do you want ? B: just ........... (1 نمره)


كدام جمله مفعول ندارد؟ (1 نمره)
