آزمون واژگان درس اول / پایه دوازدهم / دبیر: خانم شواخی به صورت دیجی فرم

دانش آموزان عزیز لطفا با دقت به سوالات داده شده در زمان مشخص پاسخ دهید . سوالات به صورت رندوم هستند و برای هر دانش آموز متفاوت است .بعد از تایم مشخص شده آزمون بسته خواهد شد .لطفا در هنگام آزمون از اپلیکیشن های دیگر استفاده نکنید .
با تشکر : شواخی


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 35 دقیقه میباشد

نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *

I remember........... , when I was a little girl, I found the gold watch on the beach. (1 نمره)

Can computers ............different objects without instructions? (1 نمره)

Her parents always...........her as the smartest of their chidren. (1 نمره)

A great ...............of excitement went up as the fastest runner crossed the finishing line. (1 نمره)

The sick man put his feet in cold water in the hope that it would help.......... his body temperature. (1 نمره)

He is a/ an ............... university professor.He has written a lot of books on successful scientists. (1 نمره)

The excited  boy open his mouth to.........,  but no sound came out. (1 نمره)

They haven't won a game yet, but it isn't for........... of trying.There are some other problems. (1 نمره)

She replied to their  angry question by............ walking out of the room. (1 نمره)

The rich businessman............ a hospital and a school in the town where he was born. (1 نمره)

On the family members felt a growing.......... of alarm when he did not return that night. (1 نمره)

Giving money to a charity ...........a real difference to my life. (1 نمره)

To..................my chances of success on my chemistry final , I began study three weeks earlier. (1 نمره)

If your heart is......... it makes thousands of ways,but if it is not, it makes  thousands of excuse. (1 نمره)

We have to speak louder, because my grandfather is ..............of hearing . (1 نمره)

Medical workers spared no ...........to fight against the COVID_19 Pandemic. (1 نمره)

I was sitting..............the sofa and having a ............meal. (1 نمره)

When I came back to the hotel ,Laura and Peter where shouting at......... (1 نمره)

We had tea,and  afterwards we sat  in the garden for .........while. (1 نمره)

I cannot ...........myself for not seeing my mother before she died. (1 نمره)

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