زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون American English File (7-9) به صورت دیجی فرم

American English File (Final Exam)


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 60 دقیقه میباشد

تایید و ادامه
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


Listen to the audio file and answer the questions below.
 1. Room number:
 a.324    b. 334           c.344 
2. What is Mr. Henderson's opinion of the sea view? 
a. It's unimportant because he will be too busy.
 b. He's quite happy to have it.
 c. It will help him to work better.
 3. Why doesn't he have to give the key card back when he leaves? 
a. Because it won't work after he leaves anyway. 
b. Because reception will be closed when he leaves the hotel. 
c. Because he'll need to use the calendar.
 4. Why does Mr. Henderson carry his briefcase to his room?
 a. Because Jennifer's husband, Gary, is not there to help.
 b. Because Jennifer doesn't offer to help him. 
c. Because it's not very heavy.
 5. Guest checked in by: 
a. Jennifer                    b. Jane                      c. Samantha
(2.5 نمره)


Complete the expressions with go, get, or have


1. __________ up late in the morning.

 2. __________ a shower before breakfast.

  3.___________ on vacation to Greece.

 4. __________ a good time on vacation.

 5. __________ blond hair.

 6. __________ for a walk in the evening.

. (3 نمره)


write the odd word.
7. fridge          mirror               cupboard               ceiling 
8. lamp           wall                  floor                       stairs
9. TV              fridge               washing machine       sofa
10 Stove         armchair           bed                         kitchen
(2 نمره)


Circle the correct word. 
11. I like to drink (a can of water/ a bottle of water / a box of water). 
12. (Ritual / Suicide / Punishment) is the act of killing oneself.
 13. Chocolate is a (fruit/ snack/ pea). 
14. Take the (balcony/ceiling/stairs) to go upstairs and talk to Mr. Green. 
15. The sofa is (between/next to/ on) the coffee table and the window. 
16. She’s going (at/by/from) home (on/to/next to) school.
(3 نمره)


Write positive/negative sentences or questions in the simple past tense.

17. I / be / born / in 1374.


    18. They / stop / the activity / yesterday


   19. He / not watch / that movie / last week.


    20. My brother and I / not be / at school / yesterday morning.

   …………………………………………………………………………….. (4 نمره)


Put a/an or some where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty.


21. When I was ________ child, I used to be very shy.

22. What’s wrong with you? Do you have ________ headache.

23. There are _________ nice shoes. Where did you get them?

24. I know a lot of people. Most of them are _________ students.

25. I’ve seen _______ good films recently. (2.5 نمره)


Read the following passage write True (T) or False (F).

The Circus

 The Rodriguez Brothers Circus is in town! Every year, the circus arrives and stays for a week. Then they go to the next town.

   There are not many animals in the circus. People told the circus that they didn't like seeing animals performing. There is an elephant called Jacob and two old lions, Hattie and Meg.

   Most of the performers are human! There is Leopold, The Strongest man in The World. His father also worked in the circus, but Leopold is stronger than him, he has bigger arms and bigger legs too! Leopold performs his act every night for the town's people who come to watch.

   Another performer is Clara. She says she has the longest hair in the world. It's about 4 metres long! She also has a daughter who works in the circus. Her name is Sue-Ellen. Her hair is a lot shorter, but she wants to grow it as long as her mother's. Sue-Ellen helps look after the animals and she's also learning how to juggle.

   The highlight of the circus are the three clowns, Pit, Pot and Pat. They all wear long red shoes, but Pat's shoes are the longest and sometimes, he falls over because they're so long! They perform for about twenty minutes and they are always the most popular act with the audience, especially the children. Many people think Pit, Pot and Pat are three brothers, but Pat is older than the other two - he's their father! He's the oldest clown in the country, but he has a lot of energy.

   Tomorrow will be the longest day because the circus is leaving town and everything must be packed away into big trucks.

1. The circus comes to the town twice a year.

2. There are not many animals in the circus.

3. People don't come to the circus because of the animals.

4. Clara's hair is longer than her daughter's hair.

5. The three clowns wear identical shoes.

  (2.5 نمره)


Write a paragraph and describe your house. (4 نمره)
