زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون لغت درس اول پایه دوازدهم به صورت دیجی فرم

زمان آزمون 50 دقیقه و جمع بارم 20 نمره می باشد. بعد از ثبت آزمون کد پیگیری داده شده را برای مشاهده کارنامه نگه دارید


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 50 دقیقه میباشد

تایید و ادامه
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


Fill in the blanks with the verbs given. There is one extra verb. 


Feeling closer to the people we can(1)….…………. our relationships with others. Whillans is a physician who (2)………….… no pains to cure sick and poor people in African countries. Not (3)……………..… she is regarded as one of the most dedicated persons by African people. She believes that helping these people (4)…………………blood pressure and has a large effect on our health.

(3 نمره)


 Fill in the blanks with the verbs given. There is one extra verb. 

 cared – paused – fail – born – burst – shout – regard

5. Do you …………………. pottery as an art work? 
6. I can hear you well. It is not necessary to …………………….. . 
7. We must respect those who once ………………….. for us . 
8. As soon as the baby is………, he’ll start to take an interest in the world around him. 
9. He …………………. for a moment and then continued his speaking. 
10. Both children said the word at the same time, which make them…..into laugher.
(4.5 نمره)


 با معلومات خود کامل کنید. اولین حرف لغت حذف شده داده شده است

11.  If you want to become a doctor, you must study m - - - - - - - at university. 
12. A book where you write what you have done each day is called d - - - - 
13.In both the first and second World Wars this bird saved hundreds of thousands of human lives by carrying messages across enemy lines. It is a p- - - - - .
(3 نمره)


 Number the definitions. One is extra in B.
 14- to put your arms around someone to show that you love them 
 15- feeling sorry and disappointed 
 16- respected and admired for excellence 
 17- The country where you were born

 a. distinguished
 b. homeland 
c. hug 
d. regretful 
e. dedicate
(2 نمره)


Which one is correct. (0.5 نمره)


Which one is correct. (0.5 نمره)


Which one is correct. (0.5 نمره)


Which one is correct. (0.5 نمره)


Choose the correct answer. 

There were at least three …………….. . Grandparents, parents and children at the wedding. (0.5 نمره)


To……..my chances of success on my chemistry final, I began studying three weeks earlier. (0.5 نمره)


She couldn’t ……..him because he broke her mom’s decorative watch. (0.5 نمره)


After death, she left a lot of money for his son to ………….a charity research center. (0.5 نمره)


We didn’t ……to win. We played very badly. (0.5 نمره)


Cloze test

Many old diseases are coming back. More people are getting degasses like tuberculosis(بیماری سل ) It is more 18.......in England than in some poor countries. It is an infectious disease that 19....... the lungs. People get bad coughs , fever and they lose 20........ . A UK doctor said we should do more to 21........old people because it affects old people more.

18. common - popular - valuable - certain

19. expands - develops - decreases - damages

20. weight - temperature - interest - height

21. teach - respect - feed - regard

(3 نمره)
