زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون انگلیسی نوبت دوم پایه ی یازدهم شهید بهشتی به صورت دیجی فرم


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 90 دقیقه میباشد

تایید و ادامه
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


رشته تحصیلی خود را وارد نمایید *


تعریف کلمه ی زیر را از بین گزینه ها انتخاب کنی

make up:
(0.5 نمره)


گزینه ی مناسب را انتخاب کنید

The police seem certain -------------------- the people who are responsible for the attack.
(0.5 نمره)


گزینه ی مناسب را انتخاب کنید

Alice is interested ..... playing tennis. (0.25 نمره)


گزینه ی مناسب را انتخاب کنید

Asia is the largest ............... of the world. (0.25 نمره)



For example, eating healthy food helps people live longer and prevents diseases. Eating junk food makes people gain weight, and increases the risk of heart attack. Eating balanced servings of bread, vegetables, fruits, protein, and oil is necessary for everyone. Also, daily exercises improve people’s health condition.

1. What increases the risk of heart attack?
(1 نمره)


گزینه ی مناسب را انتخاب کنید

I wanted -------------------- it but it cost too much and I didn’t have enough money.
(0.25 نمره)


گزینه مناسب را انتخاب کنید

Eating vegetables is an important part of a healthy .......... (0.25 نمره)



گفتگو را با کلمه ی مناسب کامل کنید

Tourist:  I’d like to buy a Persian carpet, but it seems too expensive. Reza:  The price ............... its size. Instead, you can take an Isfahan Termeh or a Qashqai Gabbeh. (0.5 نمره)


تعریف مناسب کلمه ی زیر را انتخاب کنید


  (0.5 نمره)



Culture is a system of shared beliefs that are common in a society. Often, we think of the food, music, clothing, and holidays that are common in a society as its culture, but these are only some of the elements. Other elements include customs, values, behaviors, and artifacts. Culture is, therefore, a combination of thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs. People around the world have very different lives and ways of living . (They) have different beliefs and customs. 
In today’s world if we all are able to know about other cultures, and respect (them), life would be easier for most of us.

2. What are the elements of culture?
(1 نمره)


گزینه مناسب را انتخاب کنید

I’ve known them ............. 2008. (0.5 نمره)


گزینه ی مناسب را انتخاب کنید

I am tired ....... washing the dishes. (0.25 نمره)


گزینه مناسب را انتخاب کنید

About fifty ............ of the world’s languages have fewer than 5000 
speakers. (0.25 نمره)


گزینه مناسب را انتخاب کنید

They have won all the other games easily since they ---------------- the football game to Germany. (0.25 نمره)


پسوند مناسب کلمه ی زیر را انتخاب کنید


  (0.25 نمره)


گزینه ی مناسب را انتخاب کنید

The students need to read (many/much) books about history. (0.25 نمره)


بهترین گزینه را برای کلمه ی زیر انتخاب کنید

 meet: (0.25 نمره)


گزینه ی متفاوت را انتخاب کنید

One odd out (0.5 نمره)


پیشوند مناسب کلمه ی زیر را انتخاب کنید

Iran... (0.25 نمره)



Culture is a system of shared beliefs that are common in a society. Often, we think of the food, music, clothing, and holidays that are common in a society as its culture, but these are only some of the elements. Other elements include customs, values, behaviors, and artifacts. Culture is, therefore, a combination of thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs.
People around the world have very different lives and ways of living . (They) have different beliefs and customs. 
 In today’s world if we all are able to know about other cultures, and respect (them), life would be easier for most of us.



1. Different people of the world may have different cultures and lifestyles.
(1 نمره)


گزینه ی مناسب را انتخاب کنید

 Just imagine ------------------ in a country where it is always warm and sunny. What will you do? (0.5 نمره)


گزینه ی متفاوت را انتخاب کنید

one odd out
(0.5 نمره)


گزینه ی مناسب را انتخاب کنید

My father thinks ------------------ retiring, but he enjoys his job too much. (0.5 نمره)



Culture is a system of shared beliefs that are common in a society. Often, we think of the food, music, clothing, and holidays that are common in a society as its culture, but these are only some of the elements. Other elements include customs, values, behaviors, and artifacts. Culture is, therefore, a combination of thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs. People around the world have very different lives and ways of living . (They) have different beliefs and customs. 
In today’s world if we all are able to know about other cultures, and respect (them), life would be easier for most of us.

3.Find what the word (them) refer to.
(1 نمره)


گزینه ی مناسب را انتخاب کنید

 Is there ------------------- traffic in your town? (0.25 نمره)


گزینه مناسب را انتخاب کنید

Could you please bring me (a glass of/a piece of) water? (0.25 نمره)


گزینه ی مناسب را پیدا کنید

If I find a book that is popular among all children, I ------------- it for my brother as a birthday present.
(0.25 نمره)
