زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون کپی از Viewpoint 1A/ Final Exam به صورت دیجی فرم

لطفاً تا اتمام آزمون از صفحه آزمون خارج نشوید


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 60 دقیقه میباشد

تایید و ادامه
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


شماره موبایل خود را وارد نمایید *


 Match the descriptions with the adjectives. Write the letters on the
lines. There is one adjective that you do not need to use.

1. Mary is always happy to listen to other people’s opinions and
discuss different ideas. ________
2. Sissy looks a bit unusual because of the clothes she wears, and
she doesn’t live the way most other people do. ________
3. Jerry’s very smart and always gets good grades. ________
4. Kevin gets angry easily and shouts at people a lot. ________
5. People have to be careful about what they say to Rudy in case he
gets upset. ________
6. Luke thinks he’s better than everyone else – it’s very annoying!
7. Laura loves chatting to people – in fact, she never stops! ________
8. Jody never forgets my birthday, and always emails me the notes
if I have to miss a class. ________
a. sensitive
b. thoughtful
c. arrogant
d. open-minded
e. self-confident
f. intelligent
g. eccentric
h. aggressive
i. talkative


Complete the paragraph. Choose the correct verb from the box. There is one verb that you do not need to use.

( accused /denied /obtained /promoted / regretted / rejected / withheld)


When Lee was at college, he got a part-time job in an advertising agency. Lee’s employers ______ fairness in the workplace, but when a negative comment about the agency was posted on the Internet, his boss _______ Lee of writing it because he was a student and much younger than the other employees. Lee ________ it, and luckily it turned out that a colleague’s child had posted the comment as a joke. Lee’s boss apologized and told him that she ________ what she had said. She told him she would give him a better job, but Lee _________ the offer. As soon as he _________ his degree, he left and took a job somewhere else.


I ___________ video games and also I tend _________ outdoor with my friends.


Explain in English.
Consequence: ____________
Off-color jokes: ____________


If employers .........  a job applicant, they .............. .


Write (formal) / (informal).
Chill out


You know what's ______________?
People waste so much time watching this stuff.


Write the appropriate prepositions.
Effect ____
Problem _____
Research _______
Impact _______


 Complete the sentences with words or expressions from the box. There is one word or expression that you do not need to use.

( a complex issue / critics of / 

identify with / are familiar with / extreme / turn their attention to )

1. It is often easier to ________________ celebrities when they are having problems in their lives.

2. Psychologists should _______________________ the way celebrity culture affects young children.

3. Although people often admire celebrities, there are also many ________________ their extravagant lifestyles.

4. Reporters sometimes put celebrities under ________________ pressure.

5. How much information we should have about celebrities’ private lives is


Circle the correct words to complete each sentence.

Jo You know (1) what gets me / what’s great / what’s unusual? People who talk about TV shows all the time.

Dan I know, it’s so annoying. I don’t even have a TV at home, (2) which some people think is weird / which is hard work / which they understand.

Jo But you subscribe to websites and watch stuff on your computer, right?

Dan Yeah, I watch a lot of movies online, (3) what / which / who is great.

Jo So do you never watch any regular TV programs, like reality or talent shows?

Dan Not really. All those shows are just so boring. And you know what (4) really interests me /I really hate / is really unusual? Everybody talks about them all the time – it’s terrible!

Jo So do you like any TV shows?

Dan Well I like some documentaries, and sci-fi movies. But I only talk about them with other sci-fi fans!

Jo (5) Which is just fine! / Which is so annoying! / Which I don’t like! I never watch sci-fi movies!


Complete the paragraph. Use the simple past or the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses.

All last year I _________ (struggle with) math and _________

(fall behind), but this semester I ________ (catch up). I _______

(not miss) a single class since the beginning of this semester and I __________ (hand in) all my assignments on time so far. I hope I _________ (pass) last week’s test.


Complete the conversation. Choose the correct expression from the box. There is one extra.

( but anyway / getting back to my story / looking back / no wonder )

Jimmy This is a cool photo!

Lee The one of the bird? My grandmother took it when I was little. She used to take me on

 long walks and spend a lot of time with me. _______ , she was probably my best friend until I started school.

Jimmy Really? So _______ you talk about her so much!Lee Yeah, she was really special.

_______ , we were out together one day when I noticed this colorful little bird sitting on the sidewalk. We’d never seen one like that before, so she took a photo of it.


Very interested in sth or excited by it.


From a country that is not yours.


It is a friendly talk between some people.


You don't study English well. It's ________ when you can't understand.


I have a ________ range of knowledge about English.


We use ______ to separate words in a list.


Very thin but not in an attractive way.


Write T / F
1. Skin can be rough or smooth.
2. Everyone has a good figure.
3. You get tanned sitting in the sun.


I found it difficult to _______ friends.


Explain in English. (Choose 3 of them.)
1. Furious
2. anxious
3. ambitious
4. sese of humour
5. bald
6. pale-skinned
