زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون درس 17 به صورت دیجی فرم


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 13 دقیقه میباشد

تایید و ادامه
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  If you visit my country ; I recommend that you ............ to visit the northern part everything there is wonderful (1 نمره)


when the boy stopped breathing in class, an ........ action was needed by someone in the classroom to perform CPR in order to save his life (1 نمره)


 A definition of mathematics ....... on wich most matematicians now agree (1 نمره)


 .Abstract patterns are the very essence of tought (1 نمره)


 ? Which one is correct (1 نمره)


 If I .......... the company president, I would for sure donate some money to charity (1 نمره)


Andres Celsius (1701-1774) was a Swedish physicist and astronomer who lived and worked at Uppsala and became professor of stronomy at the university there in 1730. He organized the bulding of the  uppsala observatory, which was completed in 1740, and worked there for the last four years of his life. He wrote two books on astronomy, one concerned with a new method for working out the distance from the Earth to the sun and the other concerning observations to determine the shape pf the Earth

Celsius is, today, best known as the inventor of the temperature acale that bears his name. This scale, which is sometimes called the centigrade scale, is used throughout the world , especially for scientific measurements. In 1714, Daniel Farhrenheit(1686-1736), a German physicist from Danzig (modern Gdansk, in Poland), who worked mainly in the Netherlands, had introduced his temperature scale, which fixed the freezing point of water at 32 F and its boiling point at 212 F

In 1742, Celsius adopted a different scale. As the basis, he chose the temperature range over which water remained liquid, and divided it into 100 equal intervals, or degrees, instead of the 180 of the Fahrenheit scale. Originally, Celsius set the melting point of ice at 100 and the boiling point of water at 0, but the zero and 100 were later reversed. The scale was (INITIALLY) called the centigrade scale from the Latin centum gradus, meaning " one hundred step". But at an international conference in 1948,scientists renamed the scale after its inventor, and it is now officially referred to as the Celsius temperature scale

Scientists have found the Celsius scale more convenient to use than the Fahrenheit scale, and it has been more expanded to include temperatures lower than 0 and higher than 100. It is commmon use throughout Europe, although in the United States and  Canada the fahrenheit scale is still preferred forordinary, non-scientific purposes




what did Celsius do from 1771o 1774      (1 نمره)


Which of the following can be understood from the passage (1 نمره)


 What does the word "initially" in line 11 mean (1 نمره)


What does the writer implicitly say in the last paragraph (1 نمره)
