زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون Final American File 2/B مهر 1400 به صورت دیجی فرم

Online American
final exam file 2/B


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 120 دقیقه میباشد

تایید و ادامه
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


نام معلم خود را وارد نمایید *


B) Listen to five conversations. Match them with speakers A–E. (2.5)

Conversation 1                         A. a doctor

Conversation 2                         B. a pharmacist

Conversation 3                        C. visiting the doctor

Conversation 4                         D. a receptionist

Conversation 5                          E. a tourist (2.5 نمره)



Answer these three questions. Write 25–35 words for each question.

• Write a biography of a person you know or a famous person.

• What is your favorite possession? Why? (6 نمره)


نام شعبه خود را انتخاب نمایید


What does get mean in this sentence?

Eat your dinner before it gets cold. (0.5 نمره)


Write the correct phrasal verbs. The first letters are given.

1. Could you f………………………. this form?

2. I love my job so much that I'd never want to g………………… it ………………. .

3. Ted is working a lot. He's extremely tired. He's really l……………........…………….. the holiday to rest.

4. Helen is sociable. She g……....……………………… well other people. (2 نمره)



M) Read the text and check  A, B, or C. (3.5)

Is technology bad for our brains?

Nowadays, many useful gadgets (small machines) are advertised as “smart.” This “smartness” generally means that the machine can change how it works to suit the user’s needs, learn our preferences, and make intelligent choices for us. Smartphones can now take photos, play songs, send emails, and do a thousand other useful things, such as shopping online or assisting us with our homework. We used to need lots of machines to help us to do these things, but not anymore. They fit in our pockets, but contain more data than we could ever possibly need, or remember.

If you asked most people, they would say that smart machines have improved life. Not everyone agrees, however. A few scientists are worried about the effect of using machines to do things that we used to do for ourselves. For example, we don’t have to remember people’s contact details any more, as our phones store this information. We can also find information instantly, via Internet search engines like Google. A few studies have shown, surprisingly, that people in their 50s and 60s are better than teenagers at studying and memorizing information, because they’ve always worked this way.

Technology has changed our expectations and made us very impatient. Now we want our news in tiny sound bites, and get bored if we actually have to read or listen for more than a minute or two. Scientists reported recently that the Internet was changing how we think and learn. One author even said that Google was making us stupid! It’s certainly true that we often do two or three things simultaneously when we are online, and it’s harder and harder to focus on one thing. Maybe technology is bad for our brains and our memories, and we should stop depending on it all the time. But if you tell me to give up my smartphone, sorry, I won’t!

1. Different people use “smart” gadgets in different ways.               A. True             B. False            C. Doesn’t say

2. Smartphones can help us do many things.                                 A. True              B. False            C. Doesn’t say

3. They are also cheaper to buy these days.                                 A. True              B. False            C. Doesn’t say

4. Most people think that “smart” technology makes things easier   A. True            B. False           C. Doesn’t say

5. One result of smartphones is that we remember more.              A. True                B. False            C. Doesn’t say

6. The memory test results show that young people have quick memories.       A. True              B. False            C. Doesn’t say

7. Older people have more smart gadgets than teenagers.            A. True                B. False            C. Doesn’t say


N) Match five of the highlighted words / phrases with the definitions. (2.5)

1. learning facts, so we can say them later _______           2. small comments or pieces of information              

3. telephone number, email, and address _______            4. at the same time _______         

5. helping _______     

  (6 نمره)


Write the stressed syllable in each word.

 1. in|ven|ted         .............

2. news|pa|per      ............

3. se|pa|ra|ted      ............

4. e|lec|tion          ............ (2 نمره)


What does get mean in this sentence?

While you're out, could you get me some batteries? (0.5 نمره)


Choose a word from the box.

                                   identical         elect         protect          adopt         destination        umpire

1. The purpose of this meeting is to ………………….. a new manager for the company.

2. In the game the player thought the ball had bounced on the line but the ……………………. said it was out.

3. That couple don’t have child. They would like to …………………… a newborn baby.

4. The north of Iran is the most popular …………………………. for Iranians. All of them travel there on holidays.

5. It is important to …………………… your skin from harmful effects of the sun.

6. His fingerprints were ……………………………. with the robber's fingerprints. (3 نمره)


Complete the sentences with passive sentences.

1. Disposable diapers ………………………………………………………

2. Police officers all over the world …………………………………………………………………………… (2 نمره)


What does get mean in this sentence?

I want you to get some information for me. (0.5 نمره)


What does get mean in this sentence?

 We didn't get home until midnight. (0.5 نمره)


Choose the correct one.

 1. It is sometimes OK to say / tell a lie.

2. Who does your sister look like / look in your family?

3. How much money did you miss / lose last week? (1.5 نمره)


Fill in the blanks with the correct tense.

1. People ................................... (not travel) to Venus so far.

2. This morning I …………………...........………… (wake up) by the neighbor's dog.

3. I ………………………………… (eat) meat but then I became a vegetarian.

4. If she ………….......……………….(drink ) this medicine, she ……........………………(feel) much better.

5. If my parents …………............……….. (be) rich, I …………........………………… (not / need) to work too much.

6. I lived in London for two years, but then I …………….............…. (move) to Tornado.

7. He promised to ................................... (pay) me back when he gets a job.

8. Do you mind …………………...………. (help) me translate this letter? (5 نمره)


Circle the correct form.

 1. These keys are mine / my.

2. Is this yours /your pencil case.

3. New York city is famous for it's / its tall building. (1.5 نمره)


Use the correct adverb.

masterfully                  dreamily                    perfectly                     severely

1. It is ..................... normal to be nervous before a performance .

2. The young boy played the violin ………………………. . He's awesome.

3. Smoking can ………………………… damage your health.

4. The girl looked out of the window …………………….. . (2 نمره)


Put the sentences in order.

1. about / annoying / it / constantly / that / is / talk / very / people / politics / .

2. liars / along / get / is / well / difficult / to / really / with / it / .

(2 نمره)



A) Listen to Kate speaking about a job she enjoys. Check A, B, or C. (2.5)

1. Kate does most of her work _____.

   A. in an office

   B. at a swimming pool

   C. at home

2. Her swimming classes are all on _____.

   A. Mondays and Wednesdays

   B. the same day
   C. on Saturday

3. Her favourite class is _____.

   A. older people

   B. advanced swimmers

   C. young children

4. Most of the adults are _____.

   A. scared of the water

   B. about 40 years old

   C. excellent swimmers

5. If the _____ was better, she’d teach swimming every day.

   A. journey to the pool

   B. work

   C. pay (2.5 نمره)
