زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون Reading Lesson 1 ( vision 1) به صورت دیجی فرم

طراح: صدیقه رئیسی
زمان آزمون 25 دقیقه


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 25 دقیقه میباشد

نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *

1-Do you have any ……………… for future? B: Yes. I’d like to become a good teacher. (0.5 نمره)

2-One easy way to protect ………………. is learning about endangered animals and plants. (0.5 نمره)

3-All …………….. things (people, animals and plants) need air and water. (0.5 نمره)

4-No one really knows what’s going to happen in the ……………… (0.5 نمره)

5-A doctor is going to ………………. the life of the injured animal (0.5 نمره)

6-to save endangered animals the national parks department is------------ to spend a lot of money on protecting the wildlife habitat
(0.5 نمره)

7- there are many wild animals inthe ------------world today that are on the species list . some are so in danger of dying out, they can only be found in a zoo

speciesگونه های
(0.5 نمره)

8-according to a recent report humans or harming the wildlife in many ways and causing many many species of animals birds and insects to -----------overtime (0.5 نمره)

9- everything in the physical world that is not controlled by humans such as wild plants and animals mountains oceans etc is called--------- (0.5 نمره)

10- The children were saved but the fire-------------their home (0.5 نمره)

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