زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون English Examination به صورت دیجی فرم

سلام. به آزمون نوبت دوم زبان انگلیسی پایه یازدهم خوش آمدید


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 80 دقیقه میباشد

در هنگام شروع آزمون دوربین فعال میشود

مرحله بعد
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


رشته تحصیلی خود را وارد نمایید *


فعل را در جمله زیر مشخص کنید

I have a math class on Wednesdays. (1 نمره)


با توجه به جمله زیر، گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید

- Have you checked ..........?

- Oh. yes. I'm  in room 8 of the Grand Hotel. (0.5 نمره)


مفعول را در جمله زیر مشخص کنید

Yesterday, I saw my teacher in the street. (1 نمره)


پسوندها و پیشوندهای داده شده را به کلمات زیر اضافه نمایید و واژه های جدید بسازید. یک پسوند یا پیشوند اضافی است. لطفا کلمات جدید را کامل بنویسید (2 نمره)
دریافت سوال 6


با توجه به جمله زیر، گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید

I am surprised .............................. my teacher again. (1 نمره)


کلمات بهم ریخته را مرتب کرده و یک جمله کامل بسازید

1. useful / everyone / swimming / is / for / . 

2. tries / forget / not / my dad / the phone numbers / to / . (2.5 نمره)


متن زیر را بخوانید و پاسخ سوال خواسته شده را مشخص نمایید

Making and selling handicrafts are good ways to help a country’s economy and introduce its culture to other nations. Many people of the world produce handicrafts and sell them to tourists. In some Asian countries a part of the country’s income comes from making and selling handicrafts.

 مرجع ضمیر مشخص شده کدام است؟  (them)  (1 نمره)


با توجه به جمله زیر، گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید

Could you please bring me ...............................  water? (1 نمره)


با توجه به تصویر داده شده، کلمه مناسب را درجای خالی بنویسید

Endangered languages make up nearly 8 ............................ of the world's languages. (1 نمره)
دریافت سوال 2


کلمات متضاد را مشخص کنید

a. sadly     b. ugly      c. greatly     d. beautiful
(0.5 نمره)


متن زیر را بخوانید و به سوال داده شده پاسخ دهید

Healthy food is good for you. You need it for shiny hair and strong bones. You need it so you can grow tall and feel good. The best part about healthy food is that it is tasty! You can find grains in bread and rice. You should eat four servings of grains every day. Milk, cheese, and yogurt are also important. These will give you strong bones. Meat, beans, fish and nuts give your body iron and protein. You can also eat an egg or some peanut butter to help keep your body healthy. Fruits and vegetables are good to eat. Eat many kinds each week. Chips and cookies are tasty, but try to eat rarely. When you eat healthy food, your body will thank you! But don’t forget to exercise. “A healthy diet” without exercise doesn’t have enough influence on you.

* tasty : خوشمزه

* grains : غلات

True or False.Meat gives your body iron and protein. (1 نمره)


متن زیر را بخوانید و به سوال داده شده پاسخ دهید

Healthy food is good for you. You need it for shiny hair and strong bones. You need it so you can grow tall and feel good. The best part about healthy food is that it is tasty! You can find grains in bread and rice. You should eat four servings of grains every day. Milk, cheese, and yogurt are also important. These will give you strong bones. Meat, beans, fish and nuts give your body iron and protein. You can also eat an egg or some peanut butter to help keep your body healthy. Fruits and vegetables are good to eat. Eat many kinds each week. Chips and cookies are tasty, but try to eat rarely. When you eat healthy food, your body will thank you! But don’t forget to exercise. “A healthy diet” without exercise doesn’t have enough influence on you. 

* tasty : خوشمزه 

* grains : غلات


Healthy food will make you ……………. . (1 نمره)


با توجه به جمله زیر، گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید

If I ............................... enough time this evening, I ............................... a movie. (1 نمره)


متن زیر را بخوانید و پاسخ سوال خواسته شده را مشخص نمایید

Making and selling handicrafts are good ways to help a country’s economy and introduce its culture to other nations. Many people of the world produce handicrafts and sell them to tourists. In some Asian countries a part of the country’s income comes from making and selling handicrafts.

1. Find the main idea of the paragraph. (1 نمره)


با توجه به جمله زیر، گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید

Mina enjoys .......................... for the future. (1 نمره)


با توجه به جمله زیر، گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید

Mary is a teacher. she ........................... in many schools for the past 23 years. (1 نمره)


از بین گزینه های داده شده، معنای کلمه مشخص شده را انتخاب کنید

People use language to communicate with each other in a society. (0.5 نمره)


متن زیر را بخوانید و به سوال داده شده پاسخ دهید

Healthy food is good for you. You need it for shiny hair and strong bones. You need it so you can grow tall and feel good. The best part about healthy food is that it is tasty! You can find grains in bread and rice. You should eat four servings of grains every day. Milk, cheese, and yogurt are also important. These will give you strong bones. Meat, beans, fish and nuts give your body iron and protein. You can also eat an egg or some peanut butter to help keep your body healthy. Fruits and vegetables are good to eat. Eat many kinds each week. Chips and cookies are tasty, but try to eat rarely. When you eat healthy food, your body will thank you! But don’t forget to exercise. “A healthy diet” without exercise doesn’t have enough influence on you. 

* tasty : خوشمزه 

* grains : غلات


What kind of vegetables should you eat each week? (1 نمره)


با توجه به جمله زیر، گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید

Remember .............................. us a postcard when you are on vacation. (1 نمره)


با توجه به تصویر داده شده، کلمه مناسب را درجای خالی بنویسید

Can you read that ..............................? Mary has written it recently.

  (1 نمره)
دریافت سوال 1


متن زیر را بخوانید و به سوال داده شده پاسخ دهید

Healthy food is good for you. You need it for shiny hair and strong bones. You need it so you can grow tall and feel good. The best part about healthy food is that it is tasty! You can find grains in bread and rice. You should eat four servings of grains every day. Milk, cheese, and yogurt are also important. These will give you strong bones. Meat, beans, fish and nuts give your body iron and protein. You can also eat an egg or some peanut butter to help keep your body healthy. Fruits and vegetables are good to eat. Eat many kinds each week. Chips and cookies are tasty, but try to eat rarely. When you eat healthy food, your body will thank you! But don’t forget to exercise. “A healthy diet” without exercise doesn’t have enough influence on you. 

* tasty : خوشمزه 

* grains : غلات 


True or False.

You should eat cookies instead of grains. (1 نمره)


از بین گزینه های داده شده، معنای کلمه مشخص شده را انتخاب کنید


Persian art is famous for reflecting moral and social values of Iranian people. (0.5 نمره)


با توجه به جمله زیر، گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید

I went home after ............................ the school. (1 نمره)


با توجه به جمله زیر، گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید

Mary got ............................. by her new book. (0.5 نمره)
