زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون یازدهم انسانی نوبت دوم 1400 به صورت دیجی فرم


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 75 دقیقه میباشد

تایید و ادامه
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *



  جملات زیررابا لغات داده شده کامل کنید. (یک لغت اضافی است )

                         [ unique -   popular -  carpet -  surfing -society ]

1. The little boy was sleeping on the................... It was soft and warm.

2. Each person’s fingerprint is.………………

3. My brother is………………….. the net.

4. Rice is the most ……………… food in Iran. (4 نمره)


برای هر لغت از ستون سمت چپ تعریفی از ستون سمت راست پیدا کنید.

     A                                                               B

5. calm                                               a. surely, certainly

6. exist                                              b. although something is true

7. century                                          c. to be or live

8. absolutely                                      d. a period of 100 years

                                                          e. without worry (3 نمره)


بهترین گزینه را انتخاب کنید.


9. In some cities, prices -------- from shop to shop.

a. vary           b. make up      c. exist           d. begin


10. ……..the fact that it was Friday, the supermarket was very crowded.

a. Also          b. Besides        c. Despite       d. In addition


11. Fast food is increasingly ………..these days.

a. rapid        b. quick            c. kind            d. popular

  (1.5 نمره)


مناسب ترین پاسخ را انتخاب کنید

12. Put ------------sugar into your tea.

a. a few        b. a little      c. little       d. many


13. There are------------ of shops and restaurants in our city.

 a. a few      b. much        c. many     d. a lot


 14. Has he got_______ interesting books in his library?

a. a little     b. much         c. many     d. little

  (1.5 نمره)


برای هرکلمه ستون سمت چپ مناسب ترین لغت از ستون سمت راست انتخاب کنید.


       A                                                  B

15. mother                                      a, potato

16. a couch                                     b. tongue

17. gain                                          c. weight

                                                     d. society (1.5 نمره)


بهترین گزینه را انتخاب کنید.


18 . My sister is  tired -------- talking about ------------- Italian food.

 a . from_ cooking      b. for _ cook        c. of  _ cooking       d. at _ to  cook


19 . You've ----------------- the accident.

a . forget                      b. forgot              c. forgetting             d. forgotten


20 – Majid has ------------------ money, so he can't buy anything.

a . little                       b. a little               c. some                             d. a lot of

  (1.5 نمره)



متنها را بخوانید و مناسب ترین پاسخ را برای هر جاخالی انتخاب کنید.


To have a ------21------- lifestyle, you need to do certain things. First you should have a good eating habit. Eating too much junk food is harmful for you. These have a lot of oil so they can increase your ------------22------ and increase the risk of heart diseases. Second , you shuld do daily -----23--------. It can improve your health conditions and -----------24------- diseases.


21 – a . worse            b. happier                                c. easier                        d. healthier

22 – health                 b. emotional disease               c. blood pressure          d. life

23 – exercises            b. walking                               c. program                   d. plan

24 – increase              b. prevent                                c. stop                         d. make

  (1 نمره)



متنها را بخوانید و مناسب ترین پاسخ را برای هر جاخالی انتخاب کنید.


       Art is a creative activity by people. These people are called ………25…..…….. . These people express ………26………….. by their art. Some people find art relaxing. Many people disagree on how to ………27……………. art. Some say people are driven to make art because of their creativity . Art includes drawing, …………28………….., sculpting , photography, performance art, music, poetry and theatre .

  1.   a) artists                      b) addicts                                            c) patients                                          d) surfers

  2.   a) himself   b) ourselves                                       c) themselves                                    d) itself

  3.   a) define                     b) attend                                            c) depend                                           d) dislike

  4.   a) jogging           b) hunting                                   c) sailing                                              d) painting

  (1 نمره)
