زیرساخت پایدار برگزاری آزمون آنلاین

آزمون ************ آزمون نوشتاری پایه یازدهم نوبت دوم ************ به صورت دیجی فرم

لطفا با دقت سوالات را بخوانید و پاسخ دهید
به زمان تعیین شده توجه کنید و به هیچ وجه از منوی امتحان خارج نشوید.


استفاده از اپلیکیشن ها و پیامرسان ها، پاسخ به تماس ها و استفاده از کلید های پایین موبایل مجاز نیست

زمان تکمیل این آزمون 90 دقیقه میباشد

مرحله بعد
نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد نمایید *


نام پدر خود را وارد نمایید *


متن زیر را با کلمات داده شده کامل کنید. (یک کلمه اضافی است)

"accept - cultures - interest - experiences - respect - beliefs - spend"


Learning to respect other cultures is important for having new (1) …….……. and learning about the world. One of the first steps to learn about other cultures is to simply (2) …….……. that there are many different cultures exist other than our own culture. One of the most important ways to learn to become respectful of other cultures is to (3) …….……. sometime reflecting on our own. Then it is important to understand something about other cultures. For those who want to learn about other (4) …….……., but do not know where to start, a great place to start is reading about the cultures that (5) …….……. them. In today’s world if we all are able to know about other cultures, and (6) …….……. them, life would be easier for most of us (3 نمره)


متن را بررسی کنید و عبارت ‘gerunds’ و ‘infinitives’ را پیدا کنید.


Learning a new language doesn’t always mean sitting in the classroom and studying language books. In fact, language teachers suggest you to do plenty of extra learning outside of school, places like your home or a library near you. There are a number of ways to improve your understanding of the language.



1. …………….

2. …………….



3. …………….

4. ……………. (2 نمره)


افراد مختلف از امیر میخواهند کارهایی را انجام دهد. با استفاده از عبارات داده شده جملات را کامل کنید

"do physics exercises, eat fast food, wash his bike, press her shirt"

1. The teacher told Amir ……………………………….

2. His little brother asked ………………………………

3. His parents advised ………………………………….

4. His grandmother wants ……………………………... (2 نمره)


جملات زیر را بخوانید ، فاعل، فعل، مفعول و اطلاعات اضافی را در آن بیابید


I have a math class on Wednesdays

1. Verb: ............................. 

2. Additional information: ............................. 
3. Subject: ............................. 

4. Object: .............................  (1 نمره)


با توجه به تصاویر حرف مربوط به هر جمله را جلوی آن بنویسید.

1. Deaf people use sign language to communicate.

2. There are lots of tilework in Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque.

3. You can take this calligraphic tile for only 6 dollars.

4. Behzad likes junk food when he is watching TV.

(1 نمره)
دریافت سوال 1


متن زیر را به دقت بخوانید و به سوالات آن پاسخ دهید


Passage 2

In order to know a foreign language completely, four things are necessary. First, we must understand the language when we hear it spoken. Second, we must be able to speak it ourselves correctly. Third, we must be able to read the language, and we must be able to write it. And the last one we must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct. There is no easy way to success in language learning. A good memory is a great help, but it is not enough only to learn rules from a grammar book. It is not much useful long lists of words and their meaning, studying the dictionary. We must learn by using the language. If we are happy with only a few rules we have learned, we are not really learning the language. Practice is the most important. We must practice speaking and writing the language whenever we can. 

1. A good memory is enough to learn a foreign language.             a) True               b) False 

2. Only way to learn a language is using long lists of words and their meanings.        a) True           b) False 

3. The important things to learn a foreign language are……………. . 
A. understanding and speaking 
B. understanding, speaking, reading and writing 
C. writing and understanding 
D. writing, speaking, reading 

4. Which of the following is the most important in learning a foreign language? 
A. a good memory. 
B. speaking and writing. 
C. practice 
D. a good dictionary 

5. What's the main idea of the passage?
(2 نمره)


کلمات داده شده را مرتب کنید و یکجمله صحیح بنویسید.

1. bread, much, your mother, does, how, need ,?

……………………………………………... ?


2. sorry, mistake, really, my brother, that, was, to make, .

……………………………………………………….. .
(2 نمره)


واژگان ستون "الف" و "ب" را بهم وصل کنید. (در ستون "ب" یک واژه اضافه است.)


1. checking         

2. making

3. farming

4. appreciate 




art and culture

decorative items


general health (1 نمره)


متن زیر را به دقت بخوانید و به سوالات آن پاسخ دهید


Passage 1


Art is a fine industry in Iran and is famous for its unique handicrafts. There are presently nine million Iranians, involved in the production  of handicrafts and other rural industries like Persian carpets, kilim, Jajim, hand –made and hand-painted glassware (ظروف شیشه ای) and ceramics, pottery items and jewelry making. Persian carpets ,pottery, hand-made rugs and tile works are popular souvenirs and so many other things are there to buy while visiting Iran.

Persian carpets –the eye –catching (چشم نواز) beauty and excellent quality of Persian carpets is well known all over the world. "They" are  available  in many designs, sizes, colors, and can be made from wool or silk or a combination of both. Designs and patterns can very as each region of the country has its own variation and custom of weaving.



1. persian pottery is one of the popular souvenirs to buy in Iran.          a. True            b. False


2.In line 7,"they" refers to………

a. Iranian people           b. carpets               c. countries                  d. souvenirs


3. Persian carpets are not available in different patterns and colors.            a. True             b. False


4. The synonym of " well known  in line 6 is………..

a. famous for           b. beautiful             c. expensive                     d. hand-made

5.  What art is famous in Iran?

6. What are the popular souvenirs to buy in Iran?

  (3 نمره)


کلمات داده شده را در جای خالی بنویسید. (یک کلمه اضافی است)


"vast - reflect - addiction - custom - native"


1. Today, ……………… to technology is a big problem.

2. These poems ……………… the poet’s love of nature.

3. Spanish is Diego’s ……………… language.

4. Iran is a .…………… country in Southwest Asia (1 نمره)


بهترین گزینه را انتخاب کنید

1. The workers ……………. in this factory for 25 years.

a. will work

b. worked

c. work

d. have worked


2. Could you please bring me ……………. water?

a. a piece of

b. a glass of

c. a cup of

d. a loaf of


3. Amir is …………… with his present job.

a. bored

b. boring

c. bore

d. bores


4. I ……………. a lot of money if I get a good job.

a. earn

b. earned

c. may earn

d. am earning
(1 نمره)


هر کلمه را به تعریف مربوط به خود وصل کنید. (یک کلمه اضافی است)




a) society

b) product      

c) recent  

d) percent

e) identity   




1 happening or starting a short time ago (....)                              

2. who or what a thing or person is (....)                                     

3. a large group of people who live together (....)                         

4. something that people make or grow to sell (....)                      

                                                                                      (2 نمره)


شکل صحیح کلمات داخل پرانتز را در جای خالی بنویسید

1. Our teacher can speak two hours without ……………. notes. (use)

2. I ran fast ……………. the bus. (catch)

3. Maryam is seventeen and she hopes ……………. a translator. (be)

4. Having a healthy and long life needs a ……………. plan. (care) (1 نمره)


شکل صحیح کلمات داخل پرانتز را در جای خالی بنویسید

1. Have you …………….….? Oh, yes. I am in my room now. (check in)

2. Reza …………….…. a job yet. (find)

3. My dad tries …………….…. the phone numbers. (not / forget)

4. Maryam will get a prize if she …………….…. the question correctly. (answer) (2 نمره)
